I wasn't trying to step on anyone's toes and suggest replacing the current logo, this was just meant as fan art... though I am flattered at the suggestion. The logo image file I work from consists of the following layers, from top to bottom:
1 - PHALANX name.
2 - Shield ring/circle.
3 - Shield drop shadow.
4 - Continents.
5 - Sea.
6 - Shield background.
7 - Green spear.
8 - Blue spear.
This means providing any individual element for people to play with is no problem at all
While I work in GIMP, it can save as PSD so compatibility shouldn't be an issue.
Funnily enough, looking at that made me wonder what would happen if you eliminated the shield background so the continents and sea become semi-transparent, and I ended up with this which I quite like too: