Call me a cry baby. I switch to laptop to play the Mission near the Phalanx HQ, Skyranger I ready to drop soldiers. I start the map, Little Forest (in the mid of this map my pc did quit) and
2012/05/22 21:25:19 ERROR: mdx and model file differ: models/objects/vegi/bush/bush01.md2
throws me back to geoscape. Wtf, are you kidding me?
Finally I got an assembly without that model.
Someone now has to pay for all the trouble I had.
First alien hides near the landing zone. Jon_dArc and ChemBro are too far away to get into action here, so Thierry Zhang puts a 25mm HIT grenade next to the aliens feet. Thierry Zhang can do so safely, because Crystan is covering him from a save position.
There are two more of those creatures, standing next to their destroyed vehicle. ChemBro starts to wonder if the aliens actually have an insurance for all the stuff they break, but nobody else seems to care.
Next turn. Our sniper from save position.
Chance to hit is always 50/50, either you hit or you don´t. He didn´t. Allison Zhang kills the alien with Full Auto. Squad advances.
Next turn starts with a long-distance-shooting-attempt from Crystan. 49% chance to hit. I did not expect a hit, thats why I have no pic. Actually the bullet hit the alien and pushed it out of his shoes. I did not count, but I think it was about twentyfive squares. Good shot, rifleman!
Thierry Zhang was promoted to Lance-Corporal after the mission.
Crystan was promoted to Lance-Corporal after the mission.
UFO sold to Russia for 9117 credits, overall we now have 58634.
Because I have no pic from the most glorious moment of his career, I give one of the man himself :
An alien Harvester UFO is spotted northwest of Phalanx HQ. I will allow them to live. For now.
Research of Contiuous Wave Laser Operation is at 87.5%. Once it is finished, it will open up all the laser weapons for research. I usually do the Aerial Laser Cannon next, because it saves a lot of cash. But we could also do Alien Origins, UFO Theorie, EM-Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Grenade or Taman Autopsie. Any opinions on that?