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Author Topic: 2.5-dev play through  (Read 50078 times)

Offline ShipIt

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2012, 02:54:13 pm »
Beta Squad makes his first appearence on the battlefield. An office complex in the mid of town.

Not everybody could reach cover within our first turn. Thats why two of the guys are standing on the open field. The Alien next to them tried to throw a grenade, but it bounced back from the window. Dumbass should have opened the window before. Another Alien killed the civvie and run back to hide within the shadow.

The dumb one got killed by Lauren van de Wijdev in our next turn. Pic shows the first shooting attempt of ThrashMan. Before this, the Alien in question threw a grenade at a civvie (down right corner, out of the pic), but failed. The grenade instead did heavy damage to Kyomi Jefferson, who was hiding around the corner.

ThrashMan failed his shot, but only by centimeters (of the screen). H-Hour softened the civvie-killer up with one hit out of the 3-round-burst, and finally Kyomi Jefferson, only few Healthpoints left, killed the left Alien, while Lauren van de Wijdev got the panicked one. Actually I was somewhat surprised, because the Aliens ususally do not panick that fast.

UFO sold to United America for 8712 credits.

Meanwhile, near Phalanx HQ, another UFO was shot down by Stiletto I.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 03:34:47 pm by ShipIt »

Offline Crystan

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2012, 07:11:58 pm »
Last one to Crystan. Two shots with the Siper Rifle, to kill an alien that is crouching on a square next to him. Well done.

HELL YEAH! TAKE THAT YOU DAMN ALIEN HAHAH *booom* *cha ching* *BOOOM* *cha ching*. Actually you have to keep me on a save spot - prefer to be in a save position - covering other team members. ;)

Offline rodo

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2012, 10:47:27 pm »
a shotgun guy uh?, well let's see what happens  8)

Offline Crystan

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2012, 12:12:06 am »
a shotgun guy uh?, well let's see what happens  8)
If you ment me - no - iam a sniper but it looks like i used it as a close combat weapon :P

Offline rodo

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2012, 04:55:51 am »
Nah, I meant he gave me a shotgun.

It's one of the ugliest weapons in the game because it gets useless pretty fast (IMO obviously), is a shame there are no great close combat weapons on the later stages of the game, or are there and I haven't researched them yet?

Offline ShipIt

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2012, 07:32:55 am »
Nah, I meant he gave me a shotgun.

It's one of the ugliest weapons in the game because it gets useless pretty fast (IMO obviously), is a shame there are no great close combat weapons on the later stages of the game, or are there and I haven't researched them yet?

I did not notice this, although it is obvious. You are right with this. I always used the EM-Rifle as main weapon in my teams, which was a very good 'close' weapon. Things might become even worse now, because the Flamethrower was downgraded a lot in 2.5. But I do this 'play through' not only for fun, but also to find out about those things. Once we have some experience with the new weapon balancing, we can adjust things accordingly. One idea might be to make new ammo (like "Advanced Pistol Ammo AP") for the existing weapons to keep some of those in game/bring them back later in game? This could be made from Alien materials.

Also, the quality of our recruits gives us not much of a choise here. The guys we have atm are either bad or female, just like irl.

Offline ShipIt

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2012, 08:13:43 am »
Bad news. My system is down once and for all. I put a new graphic card in yesterday in the late morning and it worked. Until the evening. Not sure what the real problem is. I hope I can at least get my hd back.

Offline H-Hour

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #37 on: May 22, 2012, 09:36:55 am »
Plasma Blaster is now a powerful Close weapon.

Sorry to hear about your system ShipIt! Hope you're able to get something new going.

Offline rodo

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #38 on: May 22, 2012, 03:26:28 pm »
So the PB is a close range weapon now?, that's good to know, always though of it as a close range weapon as well.

And I agree with your perception about the EM rifle, it feels more like close range weapon. I know I use it like that in my campaigns.

Offline Crystan

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #39 on: May 22, 2012, 03:29:28 pm »
Bad news. My system is down once and for all. I put a new graphic card in yesterday in the late morning and it worked. Until the evening. Not sure what the real problem is. I hope I can at least get my hd back.

Yeah we all love these kind of pc problems... Really annoying and difficult to find out whats causing the problem. What kind of symptoms do you have?

Offline Jon_dArc

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #40 on: May 22, 2012, 03:47:23 pm »
So the PB is a close range weapon now?, that's good to know, always though of it as a close range weapon as well.
SMG-range close, not shotgun/flamethrower-range close. But yeah.

And I agree with your perception about the EM rifle, it feels more like close range weapon. I know I use it like that in my campaigns.
In 2.4 I really felt like the EMR was a battle rifle for shooting through walls. It's gone full sniper now, though.


Offline rodo

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #41 on: May 22, 2012, 03:55:11 pm »
In 2.4 I really felt like the EMR was a battle rifle for shooting through walls. It's gone full sniper now, though.


I don't know why, but my soldiers keep missing with it 80% of the times any shot 7 squares away with it, so I figured I would use it as a close combat weapon.
The piercing property makes it an ideal weapon to shoot through walls, I tend to send one assault as a spotter and an EM rifle guy together right to the nearest building in the map, then I just get the spotter to see if there's a target near a wall, position my EM guy right beside it on the other side of the wall and blast it to hell with a 3 shot.

Another good way to save your soliders a head ache when assaulting a harvester is to use the IR googles to check out where are the aliens standing (they usually hide on the engine part), then I just shoot through the floor with the EM rifle.
Piece of cake.

That.... should probably be fixored...maybe. I don't know, making the IR google not able to go through alien structures or making the EM not pierce the alien structures (if it's not intentional of course).

Offline Jon_dArc

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #42 on: May 22, 2012, 05:01:48 pm »
The best fix would probably be improving the alien AI so it doesn't cluster in the overhang in a miserable attempt to get at the humans.

2.4 EMR wasn't particularly accurate, but damage was high with a good damage type, so you didn't need to land many hits. I didn't have as much difficulty as you hitting things, but either way it's different now.


Offline ShipIt

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #43 on: May 22, 2012, 06:27:14 pm »
Yeah we all love these kind of pc problems... Really annoying and difficult to find out whats causing the problem. What kind of symptoms do you have?

Thanks to everyone for the kind words.

Actually it looks like the main board was the source of the problems. Maybe it was damaged when my old graphic card went crazy, who knows. Might have been the other way around. System works without the graphic card, but the onboard graphic is messed up, too. Only stars ´n stripes. Two of the RAMs are down.  I will need to build a new system. Might take some time.

Worst thing is actually looking down at a 15" laptop screen instead of two 26" panels.

Offline rodo

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Re: 2.5-dev play through
« Reply #44 on: May 22, 2012, 06:53:08 pm »
Strange that it all died together like that, power surge maybe?.

Anyways, hope you get a good replacement soon.