Beta Squad finally has to do some work, too. A terror mission. Unfortunately the map is not in 2.4 nor in 2.5. I play it, though.
TrashMan opens with a well aimed shot out of the dropship, killing a Taman on the roof of the building. He remains in the dropship while the rest of the squad crosses the street. For some reason it is again Rodo who is used as a punching ball by the aliens, taking a hit from a Plasma Pistol here. This time TrashMan can not revenge him, his bullet hits the handrail instead of the Taman behind it.
Because H-Hour does not allow us to play this map, I placed him here. This gives the giant mechanic alien spider the chance to bite him in the a** for this.
H-Hour took only small damage and killed the bloodspider on his turn. His teammate is Rodo, slightly injured and full of adrenaline. He pumps 5-round-bursts into the other bloodspider once, twice, a third time. Guess what - the damn creature won´t die! H-Hour takes a Snap Shot to help him out, but misses. Nobody else is near, so we use the few remaining TUs to get away some squares. Fortunately the aliens did not very well when coding the AI of their machine, so we can trick it into wasting its turn. H-Hour kills it later on.
This bloodspider and the remaining Taman are for Kurja.
Edit: Did I already mention 'Full Auto' is a good thing to have on a weapon?