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Author Topic: Just Defeated the Alien Base  (Read 2778 times)

Offline Battlescared

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Just Defeated the Alien Base
« on: May 13, 2012, 02:57:24 am »
Guys, great job.  Enjoyed the game very much all the way to the end.  Was a little bummed when the ending scene hit, but cool, can always load up again.

Some comments:

1. AI needs a little work.  They need to take cover more.  The aliens tend to just walk up, maybe firing, maybe not.  They rely heavily on reaction fire, which hurts, but can just spread the damage out among team members, then heal back up.  They can be deadly if you let them get close, but overall they're pretty easily defeated.  I rarely restarted and maybe lost 3 soldiers the whole campaign.

2. The mansion map is very laggy.  Every other map was pretty good.

3. I never got the research option for advanced radar.  It just showed up at some point.

4. Enjoying the storyline.  Please make savegames compatible between versions... not sure if you have been doing this but I played this last one start to finish.  Was a little boring until I hit new stuff.  Will play from the start if needed in the future, but would like to pick up where I left off if possible.

5. The ending crashed on me when the ufo's started flying by. :(  Here is the output:

Client stream was closed
Used inventory slots after battle: 0
Shutdown server: Mission end
Unload the game library
music change to karlmacklin_geoscape (from PsymongO6)
Shutdown gametype 'Campaign mode'
music change to van_theme (from karlmacklin_geoscape)
Didn't find parent window "main" for window push of "popup_tipoftheday"
music change to van_theme (from Crystan-WinGame)
change music to Crystan-Credits
Error: Received signal 11.

Oh, I play in OpenSuse 12.1 on a ASUS P4T mobo w an AMD Athlon 64, 2GB.

6.  Overall very bug free, but did have a few times when the alien would duck himself right off the map and I couldn't hit him.  Only solution was to retry the mission.

I think you're headed in a good direction with the game.  The story has potential and enjoy the writeup's in research.  I'm not sure if I finished early because I noticed that the supply ships where disappearing and reappearing in the same spot, so I sent a few fighters to search like I used to do in UFO:Defense, and sure enough it popped up.  Wasn't finished researching everything yet though.

Thanks again, for the great work. 


Offline ShipIt

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Re: Just Defeated the Alien Base
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2012, 10:00:49 am »
You can help to make the game even better by attaching you latest save to a post in this thread :,6417.msg50189.html#msg50189.

Offline Battlescared

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Re: Just Defeated the Alien Base
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2012, 06:08:17 pm »

Offline ShipIt

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Re: Just Defeated the Alien Base
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2012, 07:17:57 pm »