This is more a suggestion..
Is there any way to make possible to try to recover a lost base?
For instance...
You are returning from a mission and your home base is attacked... you lost the base due to lack of soldiers or because they were too few and they were all killed (of course here you can always push the "retry" button...). So, the base will became under alien controll (you may even add more aliens to defend the conquered base) and you are able to send your "homeless" aircraft to attack the base and try to get it back...
Of course, you shall lost all items stored on that base and even you may have to rebuild some building... ah! Nice one! Radars, defense batteries, alien containners, labs and workshops! All destroyed!

Well, I'm writing down some suggestions and I'm willing to start contributing for this wonderful game I discovered about 2 months ago! You got me addict!
