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Author Topic: Wounds, healing, etc...  (Read 11365 times)

Offline headdie

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Re: Wounds, healing, etc...
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2012, 01:00:23 am »
Sorry trasman but I think I prefer DarkRain's solution using numbers greater than 0, it sits easier as I imagine it playing the game. also I like the old XCOM 3 button system it's more intuitive, but it might be handy if you can set how many doses you can use in one go, for example if the wounded soldier has only 1 critical then just 1 point from the med kit is needed, but if the soldier has 3 crits then the player can select to use 3 doses in one go that uses slightly less than the TUs it normally takes to do 3 separate doses

Offline Battlescared

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Re: Wounds, healing, etc...
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2012, 02:31:11 am »
There was one part about healing that bothered me.  It took forever to heal up soldiers to full health in the hospital, but on the battlefield I could heal someone up to full health in a few seconds with a med pack.  Seems to me that someone in the hospital should realize that the away teams have med packs and use them a little more. :)

If you really want suspense, get rid of med packs all together. That would give the hospitals more use, which as the game is right now, there is no need to take up a base space for them.  Balance wise, I'd prefer to see med packs gone and the hospitals heal a little faster.  Then there would be need to swap chars out more, and bringing home a wounded char would be suspsenful.  Right now, there's no need to swap chars out because they can be healed to full health before bug hunting, assuming you survive the initial onslaught.

The other issue is that med packs are unlimited in ability.  The original XCOM had them as a consumable, and had to be replaced and only had one or two charges on them, depending on the wounds of the chars.  It might be worth putting that model in the game as well so they have to be managed a bit more carefully and are not as powerful as they are now.

Offline kurja

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Re: Wounds, healing, etc...
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2012, 08:04:12 am »
Perhaps the medpacks needn't restore hitpoints at all, only heal bleeding wounds to keep a trooper from dying?

That would certainly change gameplay, but it would seem 10x more realistic - front line field medics don't heal anyone back to normal, they just keep you alive for the time it takes to get you into a hospital.

Offline TrashMan

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Re: Wounds, healing, etc...
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2012, 08:53:50 am »
Indeed, but the game is programmed assuming (and enforcing), in many places, that the HP will always fit within a byte (from 0 to 255), for such a feature it would probably be easier to increase actors HP by 50% and say that an actor with HP below 30% of its max HP falls unconscious.
But I must say that, in fact, it only makes sense that a heavily wounded soldier would fall unconscious, having soldiers with 3 HP left, fighting isn't very realistic.

Well, you can always use another variable if going into negatives is not an option.
you got soldeir max health, soldeir current health.
So if hte soldier is reduced below 0 HP, the difference goes into the new variable.

So a soldeir with 30HP gets hit for 50 damage - new variable is now 20.
If that variable becomes greater than maxHP/2 the soldier dies.

Or you could increase HP across the board, but I like this system better, as it clearly differentiates between health and life. You also have to ask yourself what HP represent.
Does 0 HP represent death or does it represent inability to fight further?

Without defining that, talking about realism is pointless. And soldier with 3HP left still fighting? Not as unrealistic as you might think. There have been cases of people who have been shot 100 times (no, not a typo), still fighting.

The whole point of negative HP is there to give you a bufer zone and time to save a soldier. Also to cleary destinguish them fron normal HP. Again, it can be done with a single bar - altough in that case I'd propose the lower part (that would correspond to negative HP) be shaded differently to give you a better idea of your soldiers state.

Also, five modes for the medikit? Isn't that a little too much?

Not really. Is it relaistc for a magical medikit to have super-healing abilities? Does it use magical space energy to heal different types of affliction?

How does it heal? I assume a medikit has advanced diagnostic tools, and a supply of drugs and medicines. But having a single "resource" to heal all wounds and all afflictions? By what principle?
Painkillers and stimulants are not the same thing. I don't see a medikit magicly generating them out of thin air or turning one into another. If you have gauze, alchocol, painkiller and other items in a medikit, once you expend the gauze, you still have the painkiller. It doesn't turn into more gauze.
Which is why I proposed them being separate.

You could combine treat and heal into one I guess.
And stabilise could be implemented as 2-3 uses of Heal/Treat .. that puts it back to 3.

Also I like the old XCOM 3 button system it's more intuitive, but it might be handy if you can set how many doses you can use in one go, for example if the wounded soldier has only 1 critical then just 1 point from the med kit is needed, but if the soldier has 3 crits then the player can select to use 3 doses in one go that uses slightly less than the TUs it normally takes to do 3 separate doses

How is that better?
You shouldn't be able to heal a heavily woulded soldeir quckly. You wants 1 click to take care of 3 criticals in one turn? That kinds cheapns hte severy of the wounds.

Also, what I propose is kinda liek the X-Com system.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 09:00:45 am by TrashMan »

Offline geever

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Re: Wounds, healing, etc...
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2012, 10:28:24 am »
Well, you can always use another variable if going into negatives is not an option.

I think you missed the point here...

Is it relaistc for a magical medikit to have super-healing abilities? Does it use magical space energy to heal different types of affliction?

Oh, yeah! Congratulation! What a sillyness! You are speaking about a "bug" which we wanna replace with a correct implementation like it was a feature!


Offline TrashMan

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Re: Wounds, healing, etc...
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2012, 01:54:59 pm »
I think you missed the point here...

Oh, yeah! Congratulation! What a sillyness! You are speaking about a "bug" which we wanna replace with a correct implementation like it was a feature!


Mayhaps you missed the point. I was reffering to a medikit having 5-6 charges of "something" that is universally used for all kinds of afflictions.
I'd much rather have 2-3 charges of something for X, 2-3 charges fo something for Y.