Archive > Bugs prior to release 2.4

manor House map bug?


Wulf Corbett:
My apologies if this is inadequate as a report, or if it's been reported already. In playing a mission at the Manor House (I think that was the name, big house, complex map of many layers & ramps, UFO on the helipad out to the right as you start), I found a problem in movement.

The garden pond seems to have a large impassible area around it, where my squaddies would not go. Combined with the benches & hedges, and a stray civilian in the area, it posed a huge obstacle. The movement box just would not appear within about 2 squares or so around the visible water, possibly a rectangle the size of it's largest dimensions.


--- Quote from: Wulf Corbett on April 23, 2012, 11:26:04 pm ---My apologies if this is inadequate as a report, or if it's been reported already. In playing a mission at the Manor House (I think that was the name, big house, complex map of many layers & ramps, UFO on the helipad out to the right as you start), I found a problem in movement.

The garden pond seems to have a large impassible area around it, where my squaddies would not go. Combined with the benches & hedges, and a stray civilian in the area, it posed a huge obstacle. The movement box just would not appear within about 2 squares or so around the visible water, possibly a rectangle the size of it's largest dimensions.

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The best is to attach a screenshot in these cases too.


Wulf Corbett:

--- Quote from: geever on April 23, 2012, 11:55:57 pm ---The best is to attach a screenshot in these cases too.
--- End quote ---
Yeah, I wish I'd thought about it at the time. If the mission reappears I will.

Iirc, the terrain around the pond was plagued by a bug. Maybe that´s why this terrain is blocked for actor movement. Once this problem is solved by the devs I will look into it again.


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