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Author Topic: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?  (Read 64247 times)

Offline headdie

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2012, 08:42:19 pm »
Phalanx does not have the resources to afford a spam attack which is why every shot must count

Offline Flying Steel

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #31 on: May 13, 2012, 09:18:49 pm »
Phalanx does not have the resources to afford a spam attack which is why every shot must count

Spamming two missiles at $75,000 each, with 78% effectiveness each, is way, way, way cheaper than using one $1,000,000 missile that is only 2% more effective.

That phalanx has such limited resources only furthers the need for cost effectiveness.

Offline headdie

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #32 on: May 13, 2012, 10:15:27 pm »
I will admit that the example was probably a little closely set, still it was meant to illustrate that that a government will prefer a cheaper option with most of the capability, especially in when you consider that in the era running up to the alien war armed conflict on earth is considered over so justifying the expenditure is difficult.  Phalanx on the other hand is purchasing the best of the best on offer because they don't want to risk a failure that would have been avoided by going for that extra 5 miles range and 2% accuracy

Offline TrashMan

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #33 on: May 13, 2012, 11:04:26 pm »
The Earth is under attack - I'd say you'd have no problem justifying ANY military expenditure.

Offline headdie

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #34 on: May 13, 2012, 11:28:45 pm »
fair point, but economies are a pain to change over night

Offline Flying Steel

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #35 on: May 14, 2012, 12:01:13 am »
But the game plays out over a number of years, which especially during wartime allows dramatic changes in economics. Both time and motivation are on the side of tremendous and rapid military expansion.

Just look at the rapid militarization of nations leading up to and during the second world war and multiply that times the terror of a sudden, vicious, technologically superior extraterrestrial invasion.

Offline headdie

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #36 on: May 14, 2012, 12:19:30 am »
I am struggling to locate the intro text on the wiki but my impression is that it is weeks, a couple of months at most between the first attack and Phalanx becoming operational, which is not enough time to make significant economic changes, by the time the Wartime economy achieves and significant growth Phalanx has probably been operating for several months.

Offline Flying Steel

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #37 on: May 14, 2012, 12:33:06 am »
That's what I mean; during the course of the game you should see some serious funding increases and huge force deployments to combat the aliens, even if it isn't there at game start. You shouldn't be the only one fighting this war in the sky or on the ground.

Offline headdie

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #38 on: May 14, 2012, 12:42:36 am »
Yes and no

Yes because as you say additional funding and resources become available.

No because those resources need to be used to maximum effect, if Phalanx is doing quite well then they are obviously fine for funding, top up their funding a bit to take into account increasing costs and spend the bulk of the money bringing other areas up to speed to improve the general response.

But on the other hand if Phalanx starts winning the war all by itself then perhaps much better funding would best benefit everyone.

It all comes down to the mind set of the accountants and their political masters.

Offline Flying Steel

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #39 on: May 14, 2012, 02:05:26 am »
I don't think we're in disagreement there. All I meant is regardless of how resources are split between phalanx and local militaries, there must be tremendous military expansion in general. Because you are going from this utopian world with stable nations and no conflicts to a terrifying years-long interplanetary war.

Early in the game, when you show up at a sighting you should see light alien recon groups doing strange shit to defenseless civilians. But as months and years go by, you should see more and more of heavy local military forces already engaging the aliens by the time your dropship gets there. And your funding should be increasing at the same time. And of course the aliens should be getting more numerous and better equipped at an even faster pace.

Offline TrashMan

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #40 on: May 14, 2012, 09:44:13 am »
But on the other hand if Phalanx starts winning the war all by itself then perhaps much better funding would best benefit everyone.

It all comes down to the mind set of the accountants and their political masters.

The above scenario is impossible. There's NO WAY a 100-man organization woudl be winning a war by itself.

IMHO, the game should inforce the notion that everyone is fighting and doing their part. Phalanx is a mjaor, decisive player - but is should be made clear that it alone cannot suceed.

This can be doe trough news blurbs and mission designs.

You can have other nations attack and intercept UFO's (visibly) or as news.
You can have mission where the regular military saves your ass.

you detect a UFO coming for your base early on - you can call for help and allied soldiers will arrive to help you. (but it only works if you detect it far out. IT would take time for hte allied troops to reach your base).

Or if your dropship/fighter is shot down - local military cna go an try o secure the area, or help you in some way.

Offline kurja

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2012, 09:58:58 am »
That would be super cool, but probably would be quite a lot of work to implement. Remembering that much simpler changes to the same effect have already been shot down for being too laborious to make.

Offline geisthund

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #42 on: May 14, 2012, 10:14:04 am »
hmm. one of the things they're doing with Wasteland 2 (they got funding from kickstarter) is polling their users on what they think are good and bad ideas...

Offline headdie

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #43 on: May 14, 2012, 10:16:52 am »
Generally I would have to agree from the scale of things, but gameplay at current suggests otherwise.

I think a lot of what you said is good is suggested in the auto resolve discussions lately.  As for the news papers, perhaps set it up like a weekly UN tactical update on the general situation, this would open some useful features, the ones that spring immediately to mind are:

1. Give a general overview of the war, if Phalanx is doing well then the filler reports are positive, if the player is not doing well then they tend to be grim.

2. Give indications of where the player should set up their next intercept base, for example if the player is based in Eurasia and reports from the revolutionary countries are of increasing UFO activity then that might be a good place to set up next

Offline Flying Steel

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Re: storyline question: Why is phalanx a secret organization?
« Reply #44 on: May 14, 2012, 03:45:32 pm »
That would be super cool, but probably would be quite a lot of work to implement. Remembering that much simpler changes to the same effect have already been shot down for being too laborious to make.

You mean like destructible 3D environments? That's because the devs hadn't yet heard about Voronoi Shatter. Oh yeah, baby! 8)