I was just testing the ice to the moddability of this game, I just made couple textures a bit sharper and bigger for the player characters. I was playing the stable 2.3.1, and now I tryed out 2.5 dev one, and noticed they have been improved already. I have to say, 2.5 is huge improvement to 2.3, specially in visuals department, I simply love the light-effects and sounds, awesome job.
About modelling, the anim file works great, and skeleton and all bones are intact. MS can open MD2-files too, but few things troubles me. I opened basic soldiers MD2 file, and I noticed it didn't have skeleton, groups, or bone assignments at all, how does this engine work with them?
Are they suposed to be in MD2 file with the model, are they assigned some other way, or maybe they disappear when opening the file in MS? I checked the link H-HOUR provided, but couldn't find details on this matter, or maybe I just missed the info?