version 2.4(downloaded 1.May-2012)
This game is played on hard - I played it in Win7.
I did not build any UFO Yards until late (because I didnt know how and had to ask on irc

) at deathcount ruffly 200 aliens. (Maybe it should be made a prerequisite to have a ufo yard before making more bases?)
I think economywise I had too many bases (7) but keeping me afloat by selling what I raid and having exuberant alle nations.
At this savegame the Alien base had just been found in Australia.
Antimatterstorage - began construction.
ufo flight components not researched.
not produced own aircrafts
coilgun/needlegun/particleguns found
I used retry in missions maybe 5-10 times. got some deaths perhaps 15-30 people, maybe lost 10 sarachens fully equipped.
Maps I did not like:
The map with the estate and all the basements and cannons.(Hard to find the last alien alive)
Bugs I was experiencing:
1 When fighting the UFOfighters sometimes the fps drops to 0.00something fps.
2 the program crashed maybe 3-4 times, one time during the ending of a mission.