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Author Topic: Bugs and suggestions by a brand-new addicted  (Read 2132 times)


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Bugs and suggestions by a brand-new addicted
« on: October 03, 2006, 04:59:02 pm »
Hi all!
As a brand new player to ufo:AI and veteran of the old ufo series I too am astonished by the excellent work you´ve provided with this.
I already love this game and I definitly will keep track.
However, as everyone else I´d like to post some suggestions or bugs.

- In the "Berlin" mission, I shot at an alien with the rocket launcher from quite a distance, standing in the aldi market. At the moment the rocket hit the alien simply disappeared and I was prompted:"Can´t kill, LE doesn´t exist or is not an actor"
- Since I started a new game my monthly reports won´t mention satisfaction or provisions by the nations as it did in a former game. However, it does mention the credits spent for base maintenance etc. and personal and money is nevertheless provided if not reported.
- I kinda scribbled a note that some secondary weapons I bought failed to list on the troop supply screen. But I didn´t note more to this, sorry

- As I only played ufo:eu and x-com the feature of differentiating troops in sniper, close-combats etc. is new to me (at least when it comes to UFO), but I think it´s a must-have today. However, I don´t understand why I must equip my troops at home.
I´ll explain what I mean: in the old series you had to explore the map as it was hidden under fog-of-war. I sometimes asked myself why this was the case, as even today it is possible to get a map for every impossible place around the world (google maps 8)  ). Consequently I find it only too logical that you got rid of the fog of war. But transfering this to the scenario a commander finds himself in providing his troops with weapons for a mission, wouldn´t he take a look at the map BEFORE equiping to avoid finding himself with half a squadron of snipers in a bunker or a mine? You could have a map of the mission opened as a players clicks on it´s cross on the world map. Or you could reestablish the equipment-screen on mission-begin like in the old series only that this time you can have a look at the map prior to equip.

- Grenade throwing is awkward in your game  :D  . Aside from the unrealistic poor aiming on closest distances, I found myself in some situations like this one: In the mission where you´ve got to protect an archeological excavation the last remaining alien hid in the theatre-like deepening (the one around which your troops are scattered in the beginning, in the lower-right corner of the map). My troops stood some way apart from the highest edge under which the alien pressed itself against the wall. To me the most obvious way to kill it without risking a life was to throw grenades. But due to the fact that grenades seem to MUST fly in a parabolic trajectory, I wasn´t able to get a grenade close enough to him. In real life, no one would have tried to throw the grenade but would have rolled it over the edge. This should be added to your game, given your intentions to expand the gameplay´s use of more levels, as you prove to have in the mine mission for example. Here too it would be great to roll grenades over the edge of higher leves to kill aliens being on the lowest level.

- After a long, long, hard  and lossy mission, approaching the last remaining alien I simply freak out if my sniper, standing directly behind a crouching comrade shoots this one in his back, trying to hit an alien on the same level with second fire mode. That´s simply impossible! No one, less than ever an ELITE TROOP (as they are, refering to the intro and as logic dictates) shoots his direclty in front of him crouching comrade in his back! No matter what stress or moral arguments have to be taken in account, this is simply a no-way-thing :). The same goes for rocket-launcher.

Nevertheless, the game is great and I very much like to see more of it!
Keep on and best wishes,


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Bugs and suggestions by a brand-new addicted
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2006, 06:15:19 am »
I had similiar things:
starting with the berlin mission, there were no aliens to kill, so I couldn't succeed
I only had 4 soldiers every mission, even if I had assigned more (only after berlin (berlin incl.))
the weapon in the soldiers' hands dissapeared after every mission, as did armor (beggining with the berlin mission)
before, the alins were very easy to kill and civilians and soldiers were very though, I saw a civilian survive two full plasma rifle bursts, and most of the beam hit.