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Author Topic: in mission field map?  (Read 2368 times)

Offline wizardelo

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in mission field map?
« on: August 05, 2011, 10:39:18 am »
hello im new to this forum and game and i have to say i'm amazed so much of the old xcom tactics and feeling is in this game, GOOD JOB

i remember in Xcom there was a in-mission map, where u could see the battle field and highlighted team and enemies which helped alot with my strategy, is there such option here?

and the 2nd thing i wanted to point out, when in a dark mission (night time) i enter with my soldier in a dark room, it used to light up and see whats in there, here its stil dark, and its hard to understand if there are holes in the ground in which i could fall and i cant quite feel if im protected in a corner or there is a gap in the wall :)

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Re: in mission field map?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2011, 11:57:50 am »
i remember in Xcom there was a in-mission map, where u could see the battle field and highlighted team and enemies which helped alot with my strategy, is there such option here?

I believe there is a radar option supported by some maps. Not sure how to activate it.

and the 2nd thing i wanted to point out, when in a dark mission (night time) i enter with my soldier in a dark room, it used to light up and see whats in there, here its stil dark, and its hard to understand if there are holes in the ground in which i could fall and i cant quite feel if im protected in a corner or there is a gap in the wall :)

There is no visibility system in ufo:ai. That means that things are the same lightness or darkness at all times, regardless of whether or not a soldier is near. If a map is too dark to see, please let us know which map it is or provide a screenshot so we can take a look and evaluate whether it needs to be made lighter. You can also turn up the gamma in your video options I believe.

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Re: in mission field map?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2011, 12:33:08 pm »
I believe there is a radar option supported by some maps. Not sure how to activate it.

It can be turned on via HOME or maybe H key. Most of the maps don't have radar images (and creating them isn't the best option imho), but actors are highlighted on it, so you can still use it like motion scanner in xcom.

There is no visibility system in ufo:ai.



Offline wizardelo

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Re: in mission field map?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2011, 01:46:16 pm »
yep the H(radar) option is what i was lookin for :)

about the darkness of the maps i guess i'll have to get used to, i played a few more in the light and im getting used to the layouts:)
but since i got used with visibility thingy in xcom i felt it was missing hehe..

Offline MCR

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Re: in mission field map?
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2011, 12:19:30 pm »
We will hopefully soon have a better keyinfo (Options->Gameplay->Show Keys).

We are working on improving that at the moment, so you will find all the information about keys and shortcuts there soonish...