Sounds like somebody used the Addictive Drums vsti in his geosphere song.

Well in the first instance i dislike tracks without any "melody" but the geoscape song is a step in the right direction. If you could remove the high pitched sequencer (this high ping pong peng sound starts after 30 seconds) or replacing it with some nice pads and add a melody using a vsti that doesnt push it self to much in the foreground (maybe another pad) it would maybe become a nice track.

You always have to keep in mind that the average play time of a player is probably over a hour and if there is a track that is too much monotonous or have some high pitched sounds in it, it will become annoying.
These are my personal main conditions for Battle/Geoscape Music:
* Avoid too fast, "happy" and complex melodies or beats. (complex/fast melodies/beats are okay as long as they fit.
* Use quality samples
* Avoid unpleasant effects or instruments.
* Pads are always nice.
* A geosphere song without any reverb is in most cases not a geosphere song
PS: You can add meta data to your tracks and your name/nick will be listed