Development > Sounds and Music

Thank you for exellent music


I just wantet to tell the artists who created music for this game that they have done a good job.

I especially like the van_geoscape and van_theme tracks, as it reminds me of the music in X-Com Enemy Unknown. I have the tracks from Enemy Unknown as MP3 and play them often. Some of the tracks from UFO:AI might find it's way to my playlists soon. :)

So I wish to bring a big thank you to the various artists who have created the music. It is greatly appreciated. :)


When I first started playing I didn't really think it'd be all that - but holy hell that music just grabbed me and kept me hooked til 0430.

I wanted to add another "Thank You" for the great music in this game to all contributors!  It is certainly one of the outstanding parts of the game, and the game in total is definitely very good, with much potential to be the most "perfect" xcom-styled game in existence.

My answer here is overdue. The music is excellent, keep it that way! Couldn't be better! It is moody and mysterious with a dark undertone, perfect for a game like Ufo:AI.
<- This guy always loved Ambient and similar genres.


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