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Author Topic: problem shooting over dead aliens  (Read 5881 times)

Offline jcjordan

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problem shooting over dead aliens
« on: April 27, 2011, 12:34:38 am »
I'm using this version not sure if this has been looked at or fixed & didn't see where a post about it had been done. Let me know & I can post my save game/log if needed though the save game won't really show it unless you happen to set up the exact scenario w/ save game being from world view instead of battlescape.

Problem happened on big city map (parking deck) in the back of the deck by the stairwells during the aliens (Talmens) move one came out of the stairwell & one of my soldiers killed it then another came out but I as well as that alien didn't have enough reaction pts left to do anything (or so I thought). My turn comes & I try to shoot the alien standing behind the dead alien but all shots are blocked by the dead alien even on area effect weapons like a rocket. The dead alien still has that red active circle around it. So problem in essence is that a dead alien can block all shots to an active alien & looks like vice versa as well since the live alien didn't try to shoot my soldiers. If you move to another spot (change the LOS) then you can shoot it as I found out when I moved one soldier out of the way he got shot by the alien but then I had my rocket guy shoot the live alien but it didn't hit the live alien it hit the dead alien w/ no apparent damage to the live alien. It was in the space just outside of the stairwell where you've only got the single space to move for a couple of boxes before you get out into the open space of the deck.

So far I really like the improvements of this version over 2.3.1. Keep up the good work.

Offline Lisander

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2011, 09:35:40 am »
Hey, i have the same problem, but i thought it only happened with sheevars. In fact, ALL dead sheevars in my game are blocking fire, not only at the stairs or ramps.

savegame needed?

Offline Kobura

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2011, 12:33:27 pm »
I have this issue any time there's any dead alien between my guns and target without significant z-change. I can understand a small hit profile, but it seems to be almost full enemy height is accounted for when the shots are actually taken. Line doesn't indicate a LOS problem like it does when the enemy model in question (between gun and target) is upright.

*EDIT* I knew I already wrote about this. Mods feel free to get rid of my old post at since this one has responses and apparently more information!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 12:35:16 pm by Kobura »

Offline jcjordan

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 12:06:58 am »
Ok here's a pic of what's happening but scenario is using the city map but might affect others in the same situation. Alien A comes out of stairwell & gets killed by RF by my soldier C, Alien B then comes out of stairwell but doesn't shoot but just "looks around" (I assume looking for LOS to shoot but can't) My soldier C doesn't have any pts left to RF after killing A, Soldier D has a rocket but can't RF. Alien turn ends & mine begins. I use C to do a 3rd burst from Assault Rifle but doesn't kill B (I see no blood splatter hits but I hear the "ugh" sound effects of hits) I then do a repeat w/ same results so I move him in way of arrow & then decide that D armed w/ an area effect weapon should do the job & hope he doesn't kill C. He shoots & it hits A area but B is still alive & well so I end my turn & alien then shoots & kills C since it seems like there's now a LOS w/ A not blocking it.

Offline Kobura

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2011, 07:53:52 pm »
I'm not sure if my problem is occurring involving enemy LOS as well but that's rather interesting, thank you for bringing more information!

Offline LuckyLindy

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2011, 01:58:46 pm »
I am definitely having the same problem in the latest development build.  However, knowing about the bug is easy to work around.  LOS does not seem to be a problem.

Offline Lisander

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2011, 07:27:16 pm »
Well, the bug is easy to avoid if you know about it, in fact, you can use it in your own advantage once you realise about it.  ;D

Offline Kobura

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2011, 12:13:19 am »
It doesn't seem reliable enough to "use", mostly just enough to prevent that full auto from killing two in a row :l

I'm curious as to whether or not bodies block explosions, now.

Offline jcjordan

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2011, 06:16:00 am »
It doesn't seem reliable enough to "use", mostly just enough to prevent that full auto from killing two in a row :l

I'm curious as to whether or not bodies block explosions, now.

In this experience, it would seem so since I fired my rocket at the live alien & it seemed to hit the dead alien but didn't seem to hurt the live alien

Offline parjlarsson

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2011, 05:52:42 pm »
Quite possibly my #1 most annoying bug - along with the Auto Mission defeat issues (A, most are victories, i.e. my guys live and the aliens die)

Offline MCR

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2011, 06:24:37 pm »
AFAIK this already has been fixed in master version.

Offline jcjordan

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2011, 03:48:42 am »
If it has been fixed good as I had the same problem on another map where a dead alien was blocking shots to an alien behind it so it seems to not really be one map related. Forget the map offhand other than it was a crashed ufo but if I have problem again, I'll try to post bug report if needed w/ a screenshot (wish there was a way to save battlescape too)

Offline Edi

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Re: problem shooting over dead aliens
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2011, 11:36:21 am »
This problem does not seem to occur on ufoai-2.4-dev-1305475972 version at least on normal maps, since machinegunning down several aliens at once worked just fine for me.