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Author Topic: Sprinting feature  (Read 3756 times)

Offline Nash1992

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Sprinting feature
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:43:00 pm »
There should be a Sprinting feature for your soldiers.

What should this sprinting do for you soldiers?
PROS: It doubles their Action Points. So that means they can move further than walking. Maybe also able to doge enemies attacks.
CONS: It drastically reduces their accuracy and for their next turn, they loose 25% of action points. Because they need that turn to catch their breath.

I think that would be a useful feature. Like for example, when you want your guys to sprint across a large map, it will only take them 2 turns instead of 6 turns.

Offline CheeseshireCat

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Re: Sprinting feature
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 07:38:22 pm »
Implementing it that way would not be useful. First, unless you make it "you can't do anything but move on the sprinting turn", double APs can be used for shooting. Second, even 75% of APs are enough for aimed shots with lots of weapons, not to mention close-up full-autos.

Now if you just cut down *movement* costs only, AND gave a huge penalty to accuracy, it might work...

Offline Nash1992

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Re: Sprinting feature
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2011, 05:45:31 am »
Well, I don't know...
But I personally think that the UFO:AI devs should include this into their game. They can nerf the sprinting anyway they want. I just want this feature in the game, because it gets annoying sometimes when you want your solider to get across a large map. Or if your solider is close to death, he can run away like a sissy, avoiding to get killed!

Offline gl0w

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Re: Sprinting feature
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2011, 12:00:09 am »
I like the idea, and think the accuracy penalty would be appropriate as well.


Offline tomvondeek

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Re: Sprinting feature
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2011, 01:17:27 am »
i like it too, but like mentiones: when sprinting movement costs are reduced (in next turn reduced) AND during both turns reduced aiming. wairing heavy weapons (where ever it is in the inventory) should make sprinting impossible.

Offline wheel83

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Re: Sprinting feature
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2011, 11:22:11 pm »
I love this idea. I seem to remember being able to run or something in XCom Apocalypse. I could be wrong though..
I can't say how many times Ive played a map and my soldiers are placed on the far side of the map and all the aliens are hiding in thier ship all the way on the opposite side of the map. When this happens I waste like 10mins sometimes just walking to where the action is.
But sprint would also be a cool strategy to have. it just kind of makes sense that a soldier has the ability to run dont you think?

Offline Ayperos

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Re: Sprinting feature
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2011, 07:14:34 am »
I agree with that, sprinting will be a good thing.
Maybe more the energy of the soldier high, more low will be the lost of AP on the next turn...

But I agree about that, this is a very good idea, run high or down, it's more "realistic", yes.