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Author Topic: Bug: Crash to geoscape at mission launch  (Read 2078 times)

Offline Canadadave

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Bug: Crash to geoscape at mission launch
« on: January 14, 2011, 02:26:43 am »
When going into a mission, the map launches for 1/2 of a second and then crashes back to the geoscape.

The log references this message:

ERROR: Game Error: Could not find character on team 1 with unique character number 4410

...which did appear to be reported elsewhere in the board, but for a different map. You can duplicate this crash by loading the savegame and hitting "play" - the dropship is enroute and very close to the mission location.

Savegame and log file attached. Is it possible for me to do something to work around this issue? I've come kind of far in the game and would hate to restart... :)

Awesome job by the team! Thanks for the hours of enjoyment!! :)

Offline CheeseshireCat

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Re: Bug: Crash to geoscape at mission launch
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2011, 12:15:29 am »
About what to do. Well, among other things, you can try to send the dropship back and then there again, use automission, try different soldiers' complement or equipment, or just ignore this single mission.