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Author Topic: IR goggles  (Read 3413 times)

Offline DelPazzo

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IR goggles
« on: December 25, 2010, 11:26:18 am »

A question about IR goggles, as I just found out how to use them after about 1 week of playing...

Do they have to be enabled for each turn? Or would they stay enabled all the time or just until I move that soldier again.

I ask because I got the impression that I need to turn them on every turn but then sometimes when moving a soldier, until now I only saw this happen with corpses lying around, bodies are still visible like in IR.

Offline mutant

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Re: IR goggles
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2010, 12:18:36 pm »
You have to use them every turn I believe.

Since using them I've found them to be ridiculously useful. If you stand on the outside of a landed harvester with your soldiers where the walls are thinnest all the aliens crowd around on the other side of the wall, allowing you to go to town with sniper rifles at absolutely zero risk. I've been meaning to post about this but I'm too lazy to post up a picture, after Christmas maybe.

Offline Lew Yard

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Re: IR goggles
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2010, 12:55:56 am »
Every turn, indeed, for 12 TUs a pop.  Don't forget that you can use them to look through ceilings and floors, too, by switching elevations while targeting them.

And yes, combined with the 'throughwall > 0' weapons (sniper rifle, bolter rifle, coil gun; and in MP only, the chain gun-type weapons, too), they're extremely powerful because you can kill enemies through walls, ceilings and floors.