BTW, who is part of the story team we are talking about here? We should start getting them to be part of the process i we don't want to be beating around the bush forever. Is there a team leader or contact person?
In short: Mattn is the chief of everything.
In long: the Storyline Departament is under control of Winter and BTAxis - both are using this forum and both are writing posts here. Basicaly, if they are claiming something is not going to fit the storyline, this means that something is not going to fit the storyline. So if you want them to be part of the process I would ask what stops you for starting the process (whatever the process should be - I didn't read this topic very carefuly)? They are here.

Now, if you want to know more, mattn and Hoehrer are two main coders here, mattn also is the chief of mapping section and Hoehrer works with models and textures. And I am just a little fish reading your posts and doing some small fixes in the code.
Note, that any work with new sound effects needs additional work from the coders side. It is not just that someone will made cool sounds for voice acting, we will add the files to repository, and that's it, everything works. No. More time and more work is needed to see (well, actually: hear here) the effects. But I think I already made a post about this one day... yes, it is here: