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Author Topic: Bugs with sound and video options  (Read 2964 times)

Offline Coyote

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Bugs with sound and video options
« on: November 24, 2010, 06:34:44 pm »
I've been playing a while and noticed a few issues with the options, namely the fact that I cannot change any of them.  There are also numerous sound issues.

-In Battlescape, the audio is almost immediately overwhelmed by ear-splitting static that persists even if I turn the effects and music volume all the way down and only goes away once I've turned sound off.

-Once I have turned sound off, attempting to turn it back on crashes the game immediately to desktop.  No error message, no lockup, it just disappears.

-The texture resolution cap cannot be changed.  Changing it and then restarting the game reverts it back to whatever it originally was, while changing it without restarting the game has no effect.

-Attempting to turn off texture compression does nothing.

-Changing most video options does nothing; of the ones that actually can be changed, most of them cannot be turned off again once turned on without uninstalling and then reinstalling the game.

-Attempting to change most gameplay options has no effect whatsoever.

-The game has a tendency to randomly crash to desktop while on the options menus, even if I don't actually do anything.

Offline H-Hour

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Re: Bugs with sound and video options
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2010, 06:44:26 pm »
I'm not a programmer, but I suspect they will need some more details to deal with this. Check out our wiki here for info on some of the details needed in a bug report. In particular, I suspect your system specs and the ufoconsole.log will be very important, because this is obviously not a problem everyone experiences or we would have faced it before.

Offline Mattn

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Re: Bugs with sound and video options
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2010, 09:42:09 pm »
which system are you on? could you provide stacktraces for the crashes and a little bit more detailed bugreports please?

Offline PurpleCaterpillar

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Re: Bugs with sound and video options
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2010, 11:38:55 pm »
About your sound issues in battlescape -
 Does it only happen on battlescape?
 Does it happen on Geospace too?
What if you close the game and start playing a song on Winamp for example?

I've noticed on my system that high CPU usage, caused by a lot of DPCs, is causing "static" in my sound.
A restart of the problematic program immediately results in a drop of DPC-related CPU usage, until it builds up again (as the program accumulates DPCs again).
My "problematic program" is uTorrent, BTW.

If this sounds remotely like the problem you're having, I can tell you how to determine DPC-related CPU usage, if you're on Windows.