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Author Topic: (log) Actually got new build system to (partially) work on Windows 7  (Read 39268 times)

Offline Mattn

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Re: (log) Actually got new build system to (partially) work on Windows 7
« Reply #60 on: October 29, 2010, 10:09:14 am »
btw. it would also be interesting if someone of you could get the ccache for win32 working.

Offline Muton

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Re: (log) Actually got new build system to (partially) work on Windows 7
« Reply #61 on: October 31, 2010, 01:36:33 pm »
2 ?bugs? found

1)make models
Doesn't compile ufomodel before mdx file creation
it does it at last
If you got ufomodel and call make models
you are doing your mdx files and at last ufomodel
Its the reverse order
But if i add the option -n "make models -B -j8 -n"
I'll get the cc build commands for ufomodel before ufomodel mdx creation (as it should be)
The behaver is the same on linux and the reson is the -jn option

2)make does a "reconfig"
Code: [Select]
cd /ufoai && ./configure --prefix=  --enable-static --enable-w2k --target-os=mingw32 && make ufoded Q= -B -j4 && make ufo Q= -B -j4 || exit 1 ; exit 0
Will build ufoded static and with w2k compatibility
but ufo.exe is dynamic and without w2k compatibility

./configure --prefix=  --enable-static --enable-w2k --enable-release --target-os=mingw32 && make models -B -j8
Enable static linking
Enable Windows 2000 compatibility

Compile for mingw32
Compile for i386
Compile in release mode
Found cc gcc
Found cxx g++
Using bindir /bin
Using datadir /games/ufoai
Using libdir /lib
Build modules:
Build game
Build testall
Build ufo
Build ufo2map
Build ufoded
Build ufomodel
Build uforadiant-brushexport
Build uforadiant
Use signal handler
Setting custom data directory
Setting custom library directory
Found xvid.h
Found theora/theora.h
Could not find execinfo.h
Found bfd.h
Found CUnit/Basic.h
Compile for mingw32
Compile for i386
Found cc gcc
Found cxx g++
Using bindir /usr/local/bin
Using datadir /usr/local/games/ufoai
Using libdir /usr/local/lib
Using prefix /usr/local
Build modules:
./ufomodel.exe -mdx -overwrite -v -s 0.7 -f models/aircraft/craft_arm_plate/plating.md2
make: ./ufomodel.exe: Command not found
make: *** [base/models/aircraft/craft_arm_plate/plating.mdx] Error 127
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Build game
Build testall
Build ufo
Build ufo2map
Build ufoded
Build ufomodel
Build uforadiant-brushexport
Build uforadiant
Debug build
Use signal handler
Setting custom data directory
Setting custom library directory
Found xvid.h
Found theora/theora.h
Could not find execinfo.h
Found bfd.h
Found CUnit/Basic.h
« Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 02:10:50 pm by Muton »