Don't give up, don't resign !
Admittably, I'm *really* unhappy with that switch to GIT (because I couldn't work on the source for nearly a month now because of GIT).
Mattn helped me a lot, so I was able to do a few unimportant commits until everything screwed up again

Let's join and 'fight for the rights' of those who
- have a poor connection
- are occasional contributors (and don't want to DL 1.6 GB just to create a small patch)
- refuse to 'study' GIT and just want to code/map/whatever (ie. Tortoise users)
But let's fight for a solution *with* GIT ! (Mattn says GIT is sooo much better than SVN. I didn't notice any benefits yet, but I DO trust Mattn)
I don't know whether the solutions will be inside or outside (think: SVN-clone of GIT-repo) GIT, but I definitely know that the project will need solutions for the above mentioned problems !
Having said that, let me ask you to be more precise:
it is impossible to download, to fetch, to update sources.
*Why* exactly is it impossible for you ? Bandwidth ? Lack of GIT knowledge ? Whatever ?