thanks trying that now but as soon as I type in the git remote option it seems to start up wants to download nearly 1/4 million objects before I even get to type in the fetch command
That's odd it works for me here. Did you copy paste
ALL the commands to git bash? If so it will execute them all one after the other, including the fetch command
but becuase when I did it with tortise svn and git bash before it said the same amount of objects I am fairly sure it didn't work and is still downloading the entire repository tree dispite the add -t master orginal command line switches to the remote command. Maybe the source for just the master is alot bigger then I thought. I remember downloading for the 1st time the 2.4dev branch only on svn not long back and didn't take all that much download and time but maybe I am miss remembering? How many objects and total size is the 2.4dev branch (now master in git?) anyway? thanks again for your help so far 
Without the
--depth 1 option it will try to download all the history of the master branch, since all other branches were, well, branched from master and some were merged back to it, the history of the master branch is pretty much the history of the whole repo (git imported all the svn history from rev 1)
I tryied it with
git init ufoai
cd ufoai
git remote add -t master origin git://
git fetch --depth 1
git checkout -t origin/master
only 9600~ objects (590~ Mb) to download
I suggest you try again typing one command at a time, if you are already doing that you could try to abort the download [Ctrl-C] and then start it again with the above fetch command.
If that still doesn't work
git clone --depth 1 git://
will download around 32000~ objects