Archive > Bugs prior to release 2.3
flashbangs missing in 2.3?
Hi all,
I use version 2.3 under Linux (german).
In utility i have the frag granade, plasma granade, Medi kid and IR googles.
No flashbangs...
What am i missing?
IIRC there was/is a problem with the flashbang and they are currently disabled
I think it was the TU reservation system..... or the new RF system
When they fix that, they'll be back i guess
I guess the flashy`s were bugged on 2.2 also! I remember when i still had that old version, i flashed an enemy and moved my guys and BAM He still happily RF - blasted away with his (can`t remember what weapon, only that it was a BIG gun) on my troops! At that point i stoppes using thos less than lethal `nades...
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