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Author Topic: Inconsistency wrt. costs  (Read 3376 times)

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Inconsistency wrt. costs
« on: September 02, 2009, 06:02:50 pm »
I notice the ongoing effort to balance the game a bit by changing some of the costs lately. Hovever, there are now some inconsistencies in the costs I noticed during play and I wanted to mention.

*One thing is the new (low) cost of aircraft, compared to their equipment. It feels odd that the extra equipment I apply to my craft (weapons, ecm, targeting computer) costs a multitude of what the craft itself costs.
*Another thing I just noticed is the cost of in-base Missile Defense versus off-base Missile Defense: In-Base, I have to build the structure for 10.000, then buy a missile launcher for 50.000 (so 60k total), wheras off-base I get two missile launchers for free for a total cost of 30.000. So basically I get double the firepower for half the price (right?).

There are probably some more of these, but these are the ones I noticed and I wanted to mention. Maybe these could be ironed out a bit?