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Author Topic: IQM format for models (appareantly much better than MD2)  (Read 5163 times)

Offline misiek

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IQM format for models (appareantly much better than MD2)
« on: July 21, 2010, 08:50:43 pm »

I don't understand much of it, but maybe for you it will be interesting.

Here's information (with screenshot comparing md2 and iqm) about new version of alien arena which will use this format:

Here's some info about it:

That page also contains blender exporter and sample source codes for loading and rendering.

Offline bayo

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Re: IQM format for models (appareantly much better than MD2)
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2010, 03:08:29 pm »
About the Alien Arena document, I dont see how we can compare the very old key framed format (know for is non accurate data), with a skeletal-animation format. Plus comparing FPS do not make sens, file format have nothing to do with the runtime data, and then nothing to do with the rendering code. It only make sens for Alien Arena, but not in an absolute format comparaison IMHO.

Anyway it is interesting to know this format exists, i would like we use skeletal-animation format with skeletal-animation feature. A lot of work for artists, everything must be redone :-D.

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Re: IQM format for models (appareantly much better than MD2)
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2010, 05:29:00 pm »
Anyway it is interesting to know this format exists, i would like we use skeletal-animation format with skeletal-animation feature. A lot of work for artists, everything must be redone :-D.

Well, some content are being redone (soldier models), and we don't have to remove md2 support from the game...


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Re: IQM format for models (appareantly much better than MD2)
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2010, 05:57:53 pm »
I do not think that our md2 format is VERY limiting @ the moment, because we can improve our models big-time anyway, when all the features already wip will finally work & the content will be produced to use what our engine already is able to deliver...

IMHO the md2 format is not the limiting factor here (@ least @ the moment) & models will not get any prettier when using just another format (we have theoretical support for md3 & obj files also afair)...

The most important thing regarding our animated human & alien models is imho to upgrade texture resolutions, enhance existing models with normalmaps (that will bring a lot of additional detail), add (decent) glowmaps for details like displays or other, add roughness or specularity maps & finally bring even more variation, detail & personality through modifications of the textures & integration of more different skins.

When this is done our existing models will look great.

But ofc. new models with more polygons, better animations & maybe even different model-LoDs could push gfx forward big-time also, especially the ones Origin is working on look great, but we should not forget, how much effort & work is needed to get from a static model to an animated one & character animation is one of the most complex things you can choose to do regarding animation, so...

Imho we should upgrade what we have, before investing much energy into integrating a format we have no content for & I am also sure that we can extend the existing md2 format if we need any features, like Arisian already has done by creating the additional mdx format for our models...

Offline bayo

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Re: IQM format for models (appareantly much better than MD2)
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2010, 11:18:16 am »
Well, some content are being redone (soldier models), and we don't have to remove md2 support from the game...
Sure, but in this case, i mean while we use md2-like format, i dont think anybody will work to implement real skeletal-animation feature like foot step planning and so on. That why, when it is possible (all content is redone) i think it is a good idea to remove non-skeleton format (it is not for tomorrow)

Before that, we can read any format we want (IQM...) and use it like a simple key framing animation model, but it is useless. More work, no more feature.