'Bomb' also has no description in the 2.3 release, IIRC. Would be reluctant to use it without knowing how it's triggered, or whether it has a large blast radius.
Main bug I've run into has been the (already known and tracked) bugged Tropical Harvester map -- can't reach second floor, some doorways can be fired through but not walked through, mega-super-tough-and-brainless Ortnoks walking up and down the stairs with plasma blasters not firing at all while getting roasted and electrolased repeatedly.
Other main bug is some blinking ground textures (usually underneath ships or the like), but seeing as I'm running a Gentoo build w/ 2.6.34 + DRI + X.org drivers + Mesa + w/ a Mobility Radeon X1400, and there have been new ebuilds lately for multiple parts of that stack, some graphical weirdness is probably to be expected.
Minor issues I've noticed include the ability to waste TUs by using a medkit on oneself (appears to never help, probably should say 0% instead of 100%, whereas somebody else using a medkit on you appears to be 100% min(20, maxHP - minHP); and the 'use goggles' button not turning off when (current TUs) >= TUs-to-use-goggles > (TUs - reserved TUs).