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Author Topic: Need help with the map "Brücke" ("Bridge")  (Read 7073 times)

Offline klischee

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Need help with the map "Brücke" ("Bridge")
« on: July 04, 2010, 09:34:54 pm »

(ups, please move to "tactics")

Please help me. I tried to win a mission on the map "Brücke" ("Bridge") without losses, but with absolutely no luck. All the cover areas which I would need to proceed are in shooting line of aliens. And because they psychics, they know where I am and will walk to good positions. In all missions aliens are dumb like bread, but not this time.

click to enlarge

I went alway to the blue areas, but the aliens don't go away from their positions. When I try to proceed, I don't have enough points to walk so far I can shoot them before they come around to shoot me. When i try to use the pink coverages to proceed, i always get shoot because 1 or 2 aliens with full movement units are shooting 4x on me. There are no secure hideouts on this map.

Possible you have an idea how I can make a perfect game with this map?
« Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 11:43:47 pm by Mattn »

Offline Sarin

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Re: Need help with the map "Brücke" ("Bridge")
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2010, 10:56:26 pm »
A few...

If positions are correct...those two soldiers at right to the fence, crouch and take cover around the enterance, they appear to be only two in line of fire for starting positions of aliens. Two at the left to the shack with boxes, left pair of soldiers hidden offscreen goes through ruin at bottom left, then proceed to boxes. Last pair...hmm, given the range, odds of aliens hitting them is very low, so grab medikits and be a bait.

Offline Causley

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Re: Need help with the map "Brücke" ("Bridge")
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2010, 11:05:35 pm »
Ha, at first, I hated this map, too. ;D

Try moving inside the buildings, so you can sneak up on the aliens a bit more.

Also, the large cable drum in the east (right-side) actually provides good cover. I always make on of my guys crouch there and the aliens focus their fire on him, while the rest of the team advances. *fingers always crossed* He survived the map three times so far. One time, the Ortnoks even tried to rush him in CQC, despite their pistols of doom. A good day for the snipers behind the fence.

On this map it also really pays off to have long-range weapons. Laser rifles shine.

Offline jerikojerk

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Re: Need help with the map "Brücke" ("Bridge")
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2010, 11:31:44 pm »
it's hard to help you as no one use the same mix of weapons.
you stated where is no cover in the area enclosed by the wood palissade.. i avoid to step in, not because of the cover, but because you won't have anything to shoot but get troubles to find an issue with alien shooting you from both side.

you may have experimented it?

What i do with my troups, is to split in two groups, one to progress strait in the north, again the palissade, and the second to secure the passage, i mean distract (or kill, or stunned) the 2 aliens in the ufo.
on this map, having a good rocket launcher is effective. One shot, one death, don't worry if the rocket explode on a object behind the alien, it works too. If alien get armor, you may add a snipper to finish at long range.

in average, aliens suffer big loss at 3td or 4th turn, but can a alien actually suffer... i wonder.

Offline jerikojerk

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Re: Need help with the map "Brücke" ("Bridge")
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2010, 12:00:22 am »
i thinking a point, i think it's a point new player does not take in account.

You make a good thing localising the place you can hide. But what you need to do is not the place you will be in security but place you may not go cause you're in sight AND in range of aliens. Then you look were you can effectively go with your time unit.

The most difficult thing is to guess if the alien will track you or a civilian.

Offline Murphy

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Re: Need help with the map "Brücke" ("Bridge")
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2010, 05:16:00 pm »
On this map I simply hide the majority of my squad behind the centre building you've already identified with blue on your screenshot, then two other soldiers behind the fence to the right. Making sure NON of my soldiers are in line of sight of any aliens. Then all you have to do is wait for the aliens to come to you. Every turn make sure to pop out of cover and take a look at where the aliens are, even taking pot shots, just make sure to end every turn with all your soldiers out of sight other wise the aliens will retreat behind cover again. This tactic works best with heavy lasers for there incredible accuracy, you can usually pick them off from a distance as the aliens never take cover if they cannot see any of your soldiers, they'll just keep walking to your position. (after killing off all the civs) Of course if you are concerned about saving civilian lives this may not be the best tactic to do.

I also use this method on certain Harvester crash site maps. Namely the one where its just a small empty desert and no cover between your drop craft and the crash site. Just hide your squad behind your drop ship and pick the aliens off as they walk towards your position in the wide open, works every time!

Offline Precisionist

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Re: Need help with the map "Brücke" ("Bridge")
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2010, 03:33:39 am »
My standard squad makeup is: 2 Close-in soldiers, 2 Assault soldiers (laser rifles), 2 Heavy soldiers (heavy lasers), 1 Explosives soldier (HE rocket or Grenade launcher), 1 Sniper.

I have the 2 Close guys sweep the left side of the map (they sometimes get hit crossing the middle), heal up, then continue to sweep towards the back, then use the buildings there to sweep to the right.  While that is happening, I put the 2 Heavies, the Explosives & the Sniper in the center building to kill anything that moves out in the open.  The two Assault guys I put along the long wall on the right (one by the opening right, and one a few steps from the turn on the left.  They basically snipe for a while then move forward once all the aliens on the left & middle have either been killed or moved.

Generally the guys in the center building kill everything, however the sweepers sometimes get a guy hiding behind the wreck.  Generally the last couple of aliens I have are hidling behind the back wall on the right, and I generally charge everyone at them at that point.

Offline s9ilent

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Re: Need help with the map "Brücke" ("Bridge")
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2010, 10:56:49 pm »
@ the orignal post

I use the position on the far right of your screen shot, but not the two on your left, they are way to far forward.

Instead, I occupy behind the building to the far left of your screen shot (the one just right of the water towers)

It has boxes you can take cover behind, and you can hide lots of troops behind there.
This however leaves the troops on the right somewhat exposed so you need to keep poping out to take a look. The troops on the far right will also need to use grenades a lot, as the aliens will mass on the other side of the wall.