here is another attempt, this time its the tactical screen (click to see full size)


the second is the same but with menus open.
1. location for additional info (edit: probably soldiers name)
2. Added button to soldiers portrait to allow access to its statistics.
3. H-hour bar, which i really love (hope to see more of it)
4. Weapon control, shows currently equipped weapon and ammo quantity/ type (useful for weapon with multiple ammo types) - i am really not happy with this and will rework it, suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
also as before you click the button (which i forgot to add) to open the inventory.
5. simple to use, click to use(change stance or change RF mode) or right click to reserve, which will light a red light (inspired by H-hour bar)
6. the rest of the menu option will be there.
its wip, mostly a proof of concept, so i'll appreciate any suggestions, questions etc...
dont forget, i hate XYZ, fix this or this doesnt work for me - is also input and is better than none at all (although my skill at editing is very limited especially without access to photoshop)
few questions from the top of my head:
a. How would you feel with one weapon control for both hands?
b. Clicking on equipped weapon to use or do you prefer a special button for this?
c. How is the color theme?
d. do you prefer minimalistic approach, small icons, etc? how will you feel about down sizing the floor 1-8 bar, even thou its very used?
e. how does this looks on higher res? (here i have a few years old laptop that cant get any further than this)
X. what font is used in ufoAI/ your favorites

? i am tried of copy pasting because the fonts i try looks ridicules.
p.s. sorry for no background and poor quality screenshots but even as it is i had to retry 3 times to upload them with this crappy wifi.