> maybe mingw also has the command svnversion
The package we support own it
but you cant count on it
> - otherwise
.... or file ufoaiSOURCEfolder/.svn/entries line 4
> sprintf(verString, "UFO:AI V2.3 dev revision: %i\n", rev);
Thats a better way
but if the macro is not provided than ....
UFO:AI V2.3 dev revision: x86 Apr 1 2010 whathever
A user would think revision x86
> My biggest question is: how do you get the svn rev number into the call of mingW ??
Does configure && make work under MinGW ?
There is a way to join macros
url1 url2The code is not working
its 10pm and i'm not getting it

error: pasting ""2.3-dev "" and ""1234"" does not give a valid preprocessing token
#include <stdio.h>
# ifdef REVISION
# define xstr(s) str(s)
# define str(s) #s
# define JOIN(x, y) JOIN_AGAIN(x, y)
# define JOIN_AGAIN(x, y) x ## y
# define UFO_VERSION JOIN("2.3-dev ",xstr(UFO_REVISION))
# else
# define UFO_VERSION "2.3-dev"
# endif
void main(void) {
printf("%s\n",UFO_VERSION );