Another new tech: Blur amour
Requirements: Obduction of at least one alien and 3 differnt kinds of aliens held alife.
Instead of just realizing the aliens to have better technologies and trying hard to overtake every single recovered tech they have so we could reduce their advantage over us, we will have the opportunity to take advantage over one of the aliens physical restrictions.
It is known that light consists of different colors. Another way to describe light is it consits of rays of different wave lengths. Rod and Cone cells react to light of different wave lengths and the percept of a color is created in the brain. Vision is, however, suspectable for optical illusions. It is, e.g. possible to see two rays with different wave lengths as the same color.
While human opticals both react to the same lights bandwith, between 380 and 780 nanometers wave length, this is not the case for the discovered aliens. Their opticals react to different bandwiths each. The reason for this behavior is not known for us, perhaps it is adaption to their natural environment, perhaps animal or plant life of their home world emmit information like poisioness warnings when emitting a different pattern in different wave lengths or it is a flashing protection, leaving one (or in some cases some) eye(s) still functional, while the other is blinded by flash. But this is room to speculation.
It is for sure, we now are able to use this fact to create an optical illusion protecting our soildiers: The blur amour. This amour is laquered with a special laque that has a prismatic effect on light. We are now able to break up light rays in a special way and reflect them in different angles, so that alien species have the optical illusion, the person wearing this amour stands on different positions at once. The research of this piece of amour wasn't as simple, since we can't determine exactly, what one alien is seeing, but we believe, we were able to create a second image of the person standing in a slightly different position. The effect however, varies from person to person and also from enviromental light. It works best in bright daylight and worse in moonlight. Within rooms still an effect will be seen, but since artifical light is much directed and reduced in bandwith, the effect will not be great. But hell, a shot in the shoulder instead of the heart is still a win.
While all alien life forms orientating through infra red (like bloodspiders) can't be fooled by this technology, especially species with compound eyes (if ever integrated into this game) will freak out totally.
This piece of amour is not perfect, however. It doesn't work well in night missions and not at all against specific kinds of aliens. It also is not changing the position of a soldiers face (since the face normally is unamoured), so the more inteligent races may be fooled by this equipment with their reaction shots and still be able to aim proper with their normal shots. Please also take note this amour is not fooling any human supporter, since their eyes don't react to unsimilar bandwith of wave length. The only effect this piece of amour has to them is glistering in the sun.