Hey UFO:AI Developers & Friends,
Private Messages with a link to a preview version (just one level:tropic) have been sent to some of the folks currently active in this project.
If someone else interested in this subject wants a download-link to the preview, feel free to send me a message...
For those who got the links, feel free to criticize

I am open for any discussion regarding this subject.
Please also have a look what the 1pics.pk3 contains, because there are lots of versions & other animations there which I am unable to show all together in just one level

Also I want to note here, that plans are already much further than this preview might show. We can also use the material system to make 'skins' for the textures & so we are able to make special ufocrash-textures & animations (exploded screens, sparkle throwing buttons, etc.). Also we could use the material system for 'special' U.F.O.-levels, where 'special' U.F.O.s can land

I am looking forward to a nice discussion...