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Author Topic: plane specific soldier equipment  (Read 3817 times)

Offline Matombo

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plane specific soldier equipment
« on: February 04, 2010, 02:09:56 pm »
in the beginnung of the capain i have 2 planes
1 with 8 soldiers and some equipment
and the other one with only 1 space for an soldier
when i recrut a soldier and put him in the 2nd plane (or helikopter) and equip him there is equipment for him that isn't avalable for the other soldiers
for example in the first plane i equiped all combat armors to the soldiers, than i put the new solder in the other plane and there are 4 armors unequip armors again, but when i switch back to the other plane, they arn'T there, but in the buy menu i can see them
is it a bug? and/or can i switch the items between the planes?

Offline geever

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Re: plane specific soldier equipment
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2010, 02:23:15 pm »
in the beginnung of the capain i have 2 planes
1 with 8 soldiers and some equipment
and the other one with only 1 space for an soldier
when i recrut a soldier and put him in the 2nd plane (or helikopter) and equip him there is equipment for him that isn't avalable for the other soldiers
for example in the first plane i equiped all combat armors to the soldiers, than i put the new solder in the other plane and there are 4 armors unequip armors again, but when i switch back to the other plane, they arn'T there, but in the buy menu i can see them
is it a bug? and/or can i switch the items between the planes?

That's two bugs.
1) You shouldn't be able to assign soldiers to interceptors
2) Items equipped to soldiers on craft X are available for soldiers on craft Y

Both are fixed (in the current development version).
Currently (almost) every item is visible in market even equipped ones.
