So, I made this map I'm quite proud of (even though it isn't worth a lot

) but I can't compile it. I tried with 2.2.1 and 2.3 ufo2maps, and both didn't find the map. Quite frustrated, I opened explorer to check the path. My map wasn't there. No file, not in a subfolder, no hidden file, nothing. I checked both maps folders just to be sure. I saved under 'Users/name/documents' because I thought it might be UAC, still nothing. The weird thing is, radiant finds the files when I want to open them - windows itself doesn't, and thus can't 'give' the file to ufo2map. Does anyone have an idea what's going on?
On an unrelated note, what can I place on a roof to have some light? Or should I just go with invisible light sources?
Oh, and just because I like to show it: