Another thing, but maybe more a problem about the game engine.
We will have problem to move from the rail to the station, no?
Is the planning algorithm will work here? Can/must we add a jump animation?
The platform is accessible from the other side via a wheelchair-accessible ramp, and it is accessible from both sides of the street via an underground passageway with stairs.
But I envisioned the platform to be inaccessible from the right. There's even going to be a small railing fencing off the train tracks area (although it will still be accessible from the street level on the top and bottom). This is a) about realistic urban planning that would try to prevent people crossing the tracks and hopping up to the platform and b) meant to offer a tactical obstacle to both vision and movement for the player.
This, of course, brings up a bigger issue that bayo raises. Why should a meter-high platform stop a specially trained soldier? I'm new to UFOAI development, so I'm not going to be the one to make the call on these sorts of things. I'll just do my best to design around the problem whichever way it falls.
I think there are two ways for this to go: a) designing out these kinds of obstacles but reducing the tactical complexity of the map, or b) including them as realistically as possible but recognizing that sometimes the player may be annoyed that he can't access something he feels he ought to be able to.
My own feeling is that you can never design out everything like this, because at some point a player will think: why can't my sniper climb up to the roof of this shed/bus stop/etc? I think it's fair enough to prevent players from certain kinds of mobility, so long as the conditions of access and the visual cues used are consistent throughout the game.