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Author Topic: Armour names  (Read 11165 times)


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Armour names
« on: September 01, 2009, 06:22:58 pm »
Okay so the types of armor I encountered in the game are:
  • Combat Armor
  • Nanocomposite Armor
  • Alien body Armor
  • Medium Alien Armor

The naming is a bit strange... So what makes "Medium Alien Armour" the "medium" armour? How do scientists know there is a heavier armour at the time of research? A different name would fix it. :)

Also are there plans for more kinds of human armor? Nanocomposite is hardly effective against later weapons.

Also is there an actual list out there for the ufopedia on which research & items actually do anything... No offense but I do not want to spend time testing incomplete stuff that isn't supposed to work at all, yet.. :)

Offline Destructavator

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Re: Armour names
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2009, 06:29:21 pm »
Try looking at the UFO: AI wiki, the link to it is in the menu right on the front page of the project website, and it answers just about all of your questions.


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Re: Armour names
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2009, 07:14:26 pm »
Try looking at the UFO: AI wiki, the link to it is in the menu right on the front page of the project website, and it answers just about all of your questions.

Unfortunately the wiki is rather difficult to navigate. :)

Could you be a bit more specific with the "in the menu right" reference?

Oh and the wiki is sometimes misleading. I am supposed to be able to drive UVGs.... Can't even load them to craft...
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 07:23:41 pm by White_Cat »

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Re: Armour names
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2009, 09:05:00 pm »
Unfortunately the wiki is rather difficult to navigate.

I'm a bit baffled and confused as to where your difficulty lies - I've been in there plenty of times and I've found it rather easy to browse and well organized.  It also has a search function on the left pane that has never been a cause of aggravation for me - it usually lists what I'm looking for in the top results when I use it.

Could you be a bit more specific with the "in the menu right" reference?

I'm a bit surprised by this one as well.  I'm not trying to be nasty or insulting when I do this, but I don't know any other way, so I'll spell it out as simple and clear as I can:

Here is the main front page for the project:

Notice the horizontal menu at the top, starting with "Home" on the left, going all the way to "Contact" at the end.

The link for the wiki is right smack there in that menu next to "Forum."  (This is what you're in now, the forum.)  If you hit "Media," you've gone too far.  If you click on the tab in between those two - labeled "Wiki" - that takes you to where you want to go.

Again, I'm not trying to be condescending or nasty, but I don't know how to explain it any simpler or make it any easier.

P.S. - Once in the wiki, click on "Equipment" then "Armour" and you'll get the page that talks about the armor types.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 09:06:41 pm by Destructavator »


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Re: Armour names
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2009, 11:04:16 pm »
I'm a bit baffled and confused as to where your difficulty lies - I've been in there plenty of times and I've found it rather easy to browse and well organized.  It also has a search function on the left pane that has never been a cause of aggravation for me - it usually lists what I'm looking for in the top results when I use it.

I'm a bit surprised by this one as well.  I'm not trying to be nasty or insulting when I do this, but I don't know any other way, so I'll spell it out as simple and clear as I can:

Here is the main front page for the project:

Notice the horizontal menu at the top, starting with "Home" on the left, going all the way to "Contact" at the end.

The link for the wiki is right smack there in that menu next to "Forum."  (This is what you're in now, the forum.)  If you hit "Media," you've gone too far.  If you click on the tab in between those two - labeled "Wiki" - that takes you to where you want to go.

Again, I'm not trying to be condescending or nasty, but I don't know how to explain it any simpler or make it any easier.

P.S. - Once in the wiki, click on "Equipment" then "Armour" and you'll get the page that talks about the armor types.

Umm... I think my main complaint was armor names...
  • Alien Body Armour
  • Alien Medium Armour <- how do we know its "medium"?

I know how to navigate a wiki. But for example the site talks about a "Heavy Nanoplate Suit". Is that included in the game? I can't tell. What do I need to do to research it? Is accurate? If so I have researched "Alien Medium Armour" and "Heavy Nanoplate Suit" did not show...

So wiki is a bit misleading on that... There should be a list showing what is actually in the game and what is actually usable.

Areal laser cannons are usable and are in the game...
UGVs are in the game and are NOT usable...

Stuff like that...

Offline Thyranim

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Re: Armour names
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2009, 11:18:28 pm »
But for example the site talks about a "Heavy Nanoplate Suit". Is that included in the game? I can't tell. What do I need to do to research it? Is accurate? If so I have researched "Alien Medium Armour" and "Heavy Nanoplate Suit" did not show...

As you can see in the legend on the lower right of the picture
"Heavy Nanoplate Suit" is "planned out, but not yet included in the game"


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Re: Armour names
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2009, 01:16:46 am »
As you can see in the legend on the lower right of the picture
"Heavy Nanoplate Suit" is "planned out, but not yet included in the game"

Right but areal laser canons and base defense cannons do not have a yellow box either... Updating an image is difficult. :) Perhaps a list could be better.

My other point (why the second alien armor is named "medium") stands :P

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Re: Armour names
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2009, 02:54:44 am »
Right but areal laser canons and base defense cannons do not have a yellow box either... Updating an image is difficult. :) Perhaps a list could be better.

My other point (why the second alien armor is named "medium") stands :P
mate but what the problem in that name ??
usually if kind of armour is bit heavier than standard we call it medium what wrong with that .


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Re: Armour names
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2009, 03:10:26 am »
mate but what the problem in that name ??
usually if kind of armour is bit heavier than standard we call it medium what wrong with that .

Indeed. But it is the heavies armor we humans encountered (until we encounter something heavier) is always the heaviest... How did the scientists deduce that there was a heavier armor just by staring at one armor? If it were called the "new alien armor" or something more fancy it would make sense... In UFO:AFTERMATH for example they named armor as
  • Basic Alien Armor <- Basic? How the heck do you know there is something better?
  • Sun Armor
  • Sky Armor
  • Bio Armor

As you can see armor names don't make any outrageous claims on claiming there is something better (or nothing better).

See my point?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 08:12:44 pm by White_Cat »

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Re: Armour names
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2009, 08:45:34 am »
I can understand you. You mean that scientist can;t know in adwance if there will be lighter or heavier aliens armors, so real scientsts wouldn't give them such names

Light armor can be realy named so by Scientists if it cover small amounts of body.
Another armors can be named in same manner: Full Armor, Full 2-layered Armor, etc.

Offline Thyranim

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Re: Armour names
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2009, 09:44:28 am »
"medium" like "half body" and not "medium-thick" ?

Offline gerald

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Re: Armour names
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2009, 12:24:24 pm »
    Indeed. But it is the heavies armor we humans encountered (until we encounter something heavier) is always the heaviest... How did the scientists deduce that there was a heavier armor just by staring at one armor? If it were called the "new alien armor" or something more fancy it would make sense... In UFO:AFTERMATH for example they named armor as
    • Basic Alien Armor <- Basic? How the heck do you know there is something better?
    • Sun Armor
    • Sky Armor
    • Bio Armor

    As you can see armor names don't make any outrageous claims on claiming there is something better (or nothing better).

    See my point?
    but its no ufo aftermatch also ....from what i know
    and i really think game have as for now much more important troubles to fix .
    from what scientists can know that?from history for example check names of our historical armours its light then medium then heavy basically i say so its no place bout details of medieval stuff.
    u ask why just so humans if dunno sumfin try compare that to sumfin they know and is normal think they do that with names of armours also.

    Offline criusmac

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    Re: Armour names
    « Reply #12 on: September 02, 2009, 01:11:26 pm »
    I agree with the white one on this. The armor name "Medium Alien Armor" is a poor name, until possibly when you've researched other armors. Other games have fixed this, perhaps they noticed the problem before?

    To see your researchers name something medium alien armor does suggest they know about heavier alien armor, and lighter alien armor... Which just shouldn't be the case. This is an easy problem to fix though, right? It's just renaming some armors in the scripts.

    Offline Hertzila

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    Re: Armour names
    « Reply #13 on: September 02, 2009, 03:50:21 pm »
    I also agree with the White_Cat on this. The alien armors should be named dynamically with first being just Alien Armo(u)r and after finding something to compare to they can call it something relative to that.
    I have to say however that if the armor looks, protects and functions similiarly to some human armor they should call it with it's name. Suppose they find an armor that is light weight, manouverable (seen in action) and protects relatively lighty (relative to alien weapons) then it is logical to assume it's a basic or light armor.

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    Re: Armour names
    « Reply #14 on: September 02, 2009, 04:02:50 pm »
    Yes, this is a valid point, I also agree - In light of this I think the names for alien armor should be changed somehow.