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Author Topic: UFO detected! Interface perhaps needs a few modifications  (Read 4724 times)


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UFO detected! Interface perhaps needs a few modifications
« on: September 01, 2009, 07:39:07 pm »
Okay so I get a "UFO detected" and often I have to find it on geoscape... This gets confusing if I have multiple UFOs I am tracking...

I should be able to
  • Have a list of all the detected UFOs - List should tell me the type of the UFO (if the type is researched)
  • Center on the UFO of my choice
  • See how far each interceptor is from the UFO

The third item should tell me if the interceptor can reach it at all (if it can't, it could be grayed out for example).

Offline Kildor

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Re: UFO detected! Interface perhaps needs a few modifications
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2009, 07:46:25 pm »
Patches are wellcome.

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Re: UFO detected! Interface perhaps needs a few modifications
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2009, 09:12:30 pm »
I agree this could be improved a little, eventually.

In the meantime, the space bar can automatically center and zoom on the UFO (as well as other things on the 3D map).

Ain Soph Aur

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Re: UFO detected! Interface perhaps needs a few modifications
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2009, 12:27:18 am »
Okay so I get a "UFO detected" and often I have to find it on geoscape... This gets confusing if I have multiple UFOs I am tracking...

I should be able to
  • Have a list of all the detected UFOs - List should tell me the type of the UFO (if the type is researched)
  • Center on the UFO of my choice
  • See how far each interceptor is from the UFO

The third item should tell me if the interceptor can reach it at all (if it can't, it could be grayed out for example).

i dont think we need that much details... but by selecting the ufo on the geoscape, there should be some info displayed: type of ufo, distance (and is it reachable or not), speed ...


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Re: UFO detected! Interface perhaps needs a few modifications
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2009, 01:25:27 am »
i dont think we need that much details... but by selecting the ufo on the geoscape, there should be some info displayed: type of ufo, distance (and is it reachable or not), speed ...

How do I know which base is the closest one? On crashed UFOs you even get an estimated time of arrival (ETA) for your craft so that you can pick the closest.

Also I can tell if a ufo is a scout, a fighter, a harvester, or a supply ship just by looking at it on the geoscape. A list like that could allow me to completely ignore harvesters at early stages of the game. Or focus on shooting harvester later on in the game... The sky can get crowded rather easily as you progress in the game and it becomes difficult to track who does what...

On the old xcom games advanced radars/sonars (, could tell you a lot of details such as the type of the mission ufo is on, its type (there were multiple types of small, medium and large UFOs/USOs). We get too much info with basic radar...

I may be moving from topic to topic here... :(

Offline gerald

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Re: UFO detected! Interface perhaps needs a few modifications
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2009, 02:51:13 am »
How do I know which base is the closest one? On crashed UFOs you even get an estimated time of arrival (ETA) for your craft so that you can pick the closest.

Also I can tell if a ufo is a scout, a fighter, a harvester, or a supply ship just by looking at it on the geoscape. A list like that could allow me to completely ignore harvesters at early stages of the game. Or focus on shooting harvester later on in the game... The sky can get crowded rather easily as you progress in the game and it becomes difficult to track who does what...

On the old xcom games advanced radars/sonars (, could tell you a lot of details such as the type of the mission ufo is on, its type (there were multiple types of small, medium and large UFOs/USOs). We get too much info with basic radar...

I may be moving from topic to topic here... :(
well but its no x com here anyway they was able give details when u have transmission decoder no earlier.
agree with Ain soph thousands of windows in geoscope make tracking even more complicated.
i got situations with 3-4 ufos flying around and really got no trouble with tracking and intercept em.

Offline Kildor

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Re: UFO detected! Interface perhaps needs a few modifications
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2009, 03:13:57 am »
> On the old xcom games…
If you want «the old xcom games», play in «the old xcom games». What`s problem?

> We get too much info with basic radar...
Speed, type (if we research it), and number.

PS: Aircombat will be rewrite, may be even in 2.4.


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Re: UFO detected! Interface perhaps needs a few modifications
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2009, 03:16:38 am »
well but its no x com here anyway they was able give details when u have transmission decoder no earlier.
agree with Ain soph thousands of windows in geoscope make tracking even more complicated.
i got situations with 3-4 ufos flying around and really got no trouble with tracking and intercept em.

I can sometimes find myself fighting 11 UFOs at times. All on a frenzy...

You'd have one window if you are taking xcom 1&2 as model.

Particularly centering on the newly detected ufo needs work. Space key cycles through all the objects on the map... Bases, Sam sites, Radar towers, etc...


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Re: UFO detected! Interface perhaps needs a few modifications
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2009, 03:18:51 am »
> On the old xcom games…
If you want «the old xcom games», play in «the old xcom games». What`s problem?

> We get too much info with basic radar...
Speed, type (if we research it), and number.

PS: Aircombat will be rewrite, may be even in 2.4.

It was a nice feature in the old xcom games... Thats all that meant to say... Do you have a point? Why would I "waste" time with this forum and game if I was satisfied with X-Com1? Xcom is a reference point. And a pretty darn good one:

I think learning the type of the UFO should only be available with the advanced radar...
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 03:33:20 am by White_Cat »