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Author Topic: Banned mail addresses for registering  (Read 3131 times)


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Banned mail addresses for registering
« on: September 08, 2006, 03:45:31 am »
A long time ago I've been registered on this board. Since then, looks like the board was reset and today I've been forced to re-register again. Well, no problems. Headed on to the register page and was several times denided to register using my mail public e-mails. All of them are registered on and domains, and looks like that this domains were banned for registration.

It won't be wrong to say that such ban almost halves the amount people from Russia to be able to register on this forum, as this two domains are major russian free e-mail services, just like Google Mail or Hotmail are in USA.

Could somebody tell me, why this domais were banned? Tnx in advance.

Offline Bandobras

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Banned mail addresses for registering
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2006, 06:50:52 am »
I wonder if the person, who did it, reads this forum, so I'll try to explain: We've had a lot of spam both before the forum crash and after, and I think, much of this spam from the mentioned domains. I'm not sure what we should do now, but I just wanted to apologize...


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Banned mail addresses for registering
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2006, 07:14:25 am »
I see your point, but still can't understand, how can be spam originated from some specific domais, if the forum uses Turing test to prevent automatic robotised registrations?!

I've been an administrator of several forums for a long time, and the only troubles with spam were from humans registering on forum and posting one post. Just after this a person got banned, leaving no chance to spam again from this account and also preventing the use of the e-mail specified when registering.