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Author Topic: Reactionary fire hell  (Read 13931 times)


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Reactionary fire hell
« on: August 30, 2009, 02:21:01 am »
I do not oppose reactionary fire but just like the aliens, my men (and women) are randomly spawned around the craft. If you shot down a scout or fighter and land near the crash site (just next to it). You generally start of by seeing 3 or more aliens (often all of them). Which would be nice had they not have reactionary fire. Generally 4 or more of your soldiers are in LOF (line of fire) of aliens.

The problem with all this is if I were to move even one of my soldiers. Aliens start to go on a reactionary fire spree... They end up killing half of my soldiers on the very first turn before I could even rotate my soldiers to face them... While this does save me the trouble of making my soldiers take cover :P, it is rather annoying...

A solution could be starting inside the craft (but that's not necessarily a solution either...).

Reactionary fire exists to make the game interesting. You do not get to shoot defenseless aliens just because it's your turn. You better do not try to go point blank right in front of them... However excessive reactionary fire makes the game rather boring since you know 4 or 5 of your 8 guys will die before you make your first real move...

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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2009, 03:12:59 am »
I haven't experienced such extreme difficulty in missions - what difficulty level are you playing on?  (and what game version, 2.2.1 or the development 2.3?)


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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2009, 05:46:17 am »
I haven't experienced such extreme difficulty in missions - what difficulty level are you playing on?  (and what game version, 2.2.1 or the development 2.3?)

It is the developer version. I am playing at most difficult. Of course that makes the game "hard to play" but right now it is in the neighborhood of impossible. Harvester class ufo missions aren't this hard as at least some of the aliens are in the craft and lack a direct LOS.

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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2009, 05:56:02 am »
I am playing at most difficult. Of course that makes the game "hard to play" but right now it is in the neighborhood of impossible.

Well, at that level it's supposed to be that unfair like that.   ;)

Actually, when the 2.3 version gets closer to being released officially there will be substantial re-balancing with just about everything in the game mechanics.

...But still, even after the re-balancing is done don't expect to have a fair fight at the hardest level - If you want a "normal" game you would want to play at the standard, default middle-of-the-road difficulty level.  After all, if the hardest level was fair, what would be the point of the easier levels?

Welcome to the forum, BTW.


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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2009, 06:06:19 am »
Well, at that level it's supposed to be that unfair like that.   ;)

Actually, when the 2.3 version gets closer to being released officially there will be substantial re-balancing with just about everything in the game mechanics.

...But still, even after the re-balancing is done don't expect to have a fair fight at the hardest level - If you want a "normal" game you would want to play at the standard, default middle-of-the-road difficulty level.  After all, if the hardest level was fair, what would be the point of the easier levels?

Welcome to the forum, BTW.

It can be an unfair fight. My problem is I cannot take cover... If my soldiers simply started inside the craft (like in xcom1) I would have actual control. BTW a scout UFO cant have 9 aliens in it. It doesn't have the physical space even if you pile aliens on top of each other! :)

Reactionary fire (at least on first round) should only come if I am shooting... IMHO.

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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2009, 08:52:21 am »
its what i said about in game realism topic if u met squad of aliens armed with pistols in 2 hand and ure fac e to face with 3 or more of em half of ur squad is usually dusted .
best tactic on that as for me is crouch all ur soldiers w/o mowe and kill as many as possible (grenade launcher work good here )  :) but kinda frustrating and unfair its true.
Another weird thing i saw my base is mainly attacked by if research say they no have landing gear :P
aliens are not so smart if they sacrifice ship each time they want assault base so maybe we have chance to win that war yet just need build many bases so they lost all fleet :P

« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 08:56:23 am by gerald »


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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2009, 08:56:20 am »
Yes but realistically they can't beam outside the craft... Them being outside the craft makes them sitting ducks... Moreso when they crouch :P

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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2009, 09:10:28 am »
If they are in the craft they could get hit too. doors are opened...


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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2009, 10:35:44 am »
yes but 4 spaces are covered by walls still,till an alien throw grenade inside :P
i think white-cat is talking bout x-com where craft was closed&safe before u opened door.
anyway there happened much times explosions and stun bomb worked inside closed craft even :)
that reaction fire is a bit trouble here anyway maps are little and u sometimes face full squad of aliens in visible range and youre opened to their RF.
As white-cat said harvester missions are easier so u have usually chance to take cover and use some tactic,crashed scout&fighters sometimes looks like lottery situations.
Maybe solution to make it more realistic will be adding crew casualties after crash and proper crew numbers scouts and fighters no take passangers usually .
Another thingy that can make situation more realistic,aliens from crashed ufo could have a bit less morale (bravery or whatever is called here that stat),u rather no often are super hero when u just crawled out from burning vessel:)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 10:38:50 am by gerald »

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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2009, 11:24:35 am »
Please keep in mind that when aliens see an aircraft approach and land (the player's dropship), they would probably notice and get ready to shoot at whatever comes out of it...

Offline Thyranim

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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2009, 12:38:15 pm »
perhaps it would help, that reaction fire only happens as reaction to the soldier moved?
i noticed sometimes, that I move one soldier, and the other got shot over and over again by reaction fire
and no, they didn't stand side by side... the one was on the left side of an building, outside LOS, the other on the right side, inside 3x LOS

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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2009, 12:53:03 pm »
Please keep in mind that when aliens see an aircraft approach and land (the player's dropship), they would probably notice and get ready to shoot at whatever comes out of it...

well our soldiers jumping out from dropship also no think they going into an city tour and they probably should be ready to kill at what moving around :)

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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2009, 12:55:35 pm »
perhaps it would help, that reaction fire only happens as reaction to the soldier moved?
i noticed sometimes, that I move one soldier, and the other got shot over and over again by reaction fire
and no, they didn't stand side by side... the one was on the left side of an building, outside LOS, the other on the right side, inside 3x LOS

yea saw it also dunno how it works here,in JA series RF worked just that way enemy used RF to soldier wchich moved no others.

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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2009, 02:25:50 pm »
Please keep in mind that when aliens see an aircraft approach and land (the player's dropship), they would probably notice and get ready to shoot at whatever comes out of it...

yes but the armed dropship would either shoot or select a new landing zone if aliens are in plain sight with direct LOS to the dropzone


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Re: Reactionary fire hell
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2009, 05:54:26 pm »
yes but the armed dropship would either shoot or select a new landing zone if aliens are in plain sight with direct LOS to the dropzone

The game is actually not fun at all if I play the game by loading and reloading missions until I am randomly dealt a "playable" mission. I like a good challenge but half/all my people shouldn't be massacred in the first few seconds.

I should decide just when and how my people get out of the craft. The side doors should close/open perhaps... That way I can get out of the door facing the side of the map if I desire. Then I can play a tactical game... For example I could use grenades to clear the nearby indoor area and then move sniper cover to the top. This is what I would call fun.

I am not against reactionary fire... But it makes tactical missions too easy in a sense that all I have to do is reload the game and make the aliens miss their target. No need for tactical planning.