same was for me. i loved xcom1 and i also loved xcom2 ... an xcom 2 1/2 or something similar would have been great, so that there is both

but it never happend

i don't think that the thread was started to say, that all of the xcom-features and equipment should be copied in this UOF:AI game...
i understand it so, as a creative director so that this game does not only fight on ground as xcom1 but also does fight under water as xcom2... without copying anything as there is not copied anything before, there doesn not have to be copied anything in the future

but the question stays, if there is a slight possibility for the latergame to have both: fight on ground and fight under water
i believe that there are enough people who are willing to be creative to get names and texts for the equipment if necessary so we don't have to get in any copyright-trouble