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Author Topic: Hybrid techs and antialien techs  (Read 2434 times)

Offline Imposeren

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Hybrid techs and antialien techs
« on: August 22, 2009, 11:12:56 am »
I think that scientist can adapt some alien technologies to improve human techs and make anti-alien techs

PBW and Plasma weapons both fire charged projectiles, so they can be deflected with electrical field. Particle beams can be dispersed with special "smoke"

Missiles with proton containers. If small amount of protons get's to UFOs antimatter storage HUGE explosion will destroy UFO. The BIG problem si delivering them to this storage

Particle pseudo-conductor for  bolter rifle -- conductor rails in bolter rifle are replaced with "tubes" where particles move. Fast movement of particles means that current is very big so Ampère's force (which pushes bolt) is very-very big. This tech requires "magazine" from PBW.
Theoreticaly this is less effective than pure particle beams but bolts can not be deflected with electrical field shilds (if UFOs or aliens have them).
Also mass of bolt is bigger than mass of particles so with same energies momentum of bolt will be bigger that momentum of particles sqrt(m2/m1) times where m2 is mass of bolt and m1 is mass of particles. So momentum will be millions times bigger.
But not all energy from particles goes to energy of bolt. This energy depends on speed of particles and length of acceleration path. But even small percents of this energy'll lead to tremendous momentum

Alien computer adapting, reverse-engineering etc. Even "low-end" alien navigation computers are much more faster than ours. If we could understand how to reprogramm it, we could use them in our reserches.

Plasma Engines. Plasma can be used for reactive force for high-speed flights in upper layers of atmosphere

P.S. What energy source in plasma weapons is used to heat and accelerate plasma? If there is some great power source it can be used for laser weapons

Offline Hertzila

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Re: Hybrid techs and antialien techs
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 01:43:48 am »
I'm guessing it has a chemical reaction as a power source, or plain battery/fuel cell and a pair of heaters and what-not you need to make plasma.
And whatever it uses, we can't use it in our DF (was it DF?) Lasers since they are based off on their chemical reaction and unless aliens use something that works as a catalyst, which would also use more ammo IIUC, we can't implement it. Of course if we can get our hands on an alien laser emitter we can reverse-engineer it and then use their power systems for a new type of lasers.

And while I'm all for more stuff to use against aliens and blow their asses to the Moon I think the devs have said that there will not be more human weaponry. Don't know if that includes hybrids.

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Re: Hybrid techs and antialien techs
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2009, 03:49:25 pm »
Missiles with proton containers. If small amount of protons get's to UFOs antimatter storage HUGE explosion will destroy UFO. The BIG problem si delivering them to this storage

if you mean for taking out the ships by feeding protons into the antimatter storage then it's a bit pointless, if you can crack the protection on it then the there is no shortage of matter to induce annihilation.

however if we could figure out a frequency of EMP, static discahrge or some other means that that would disrupt the containment field with out requiring human ship to blow holes in the ship to ger at it first then using a missile loaded apropiate warheads dose the alien ship with it, then containment fails matter meets antimatter and boom.of course to figure out exactly the frequency and power is needed to interrupt the field would require direct analysis of a functioning containment field.