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Author Topic: alien air crew casualties and numbers  (Read 2707 times)

Offline gerald

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alien air crew casualties and numbers
« on: August 14, 2009, 03:37:22 pm »
from research its known alien fighter carry 3 person crew,well if we already know a bit bout that ship our radars identify that and we shoot it down i think will be more realistic to meet 3 poor armed pilots no as it is now 5 well armed alien soldiers,so fighters usually no carry passangers :)
otherwise craft identification help only aerial fight,maybe its not so important but it was nicely done in x com when downed ufo,s got also some casualties in crew

Offline criusmac

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Re: alien air crew casualties and numbers
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2009, 06:08:56 pm »
from research its known alien fighter carry 3 person crew,well if we already know a bit bout that ship our radars identify that and we shoot it down i think will be more realistic to meet 3 poor armed pilots no as it is now 5 well armed alien soldiers,so fighters usually no carry passangers :)
otherwise craft identification help only aerial fight,maybe its not so important but it was nicely done in x com when downed ufo,s got also some casualties in crew

At least part of this is mentioned at .


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Re: alien air crew casualties and numbers
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2009, 05:06:14 am »
from research its known alien fighter carry 3 person crew,well if we already know a bit bout that ship our radars identify that and we shoot it down i think will be more realistic to meet 3 poor armed pilots no as it is now 5 well armed alien soldiers,so fighters usually no carry passangers :)
otherwise craft identification help only aerial fight,maybe its not so important but it was nicely done in x com when downed ufo,s got also some casualties in crew

First lets clarify.
Most missions contain only 3 4 aliens - this is what u meant right?

U hope to have radar scanning the missions.... i believe that they are working on the pre-mission briefing to give more details somewhere in the forums... read it but cant remember where.

criusmac already pointed u to the proposal of having xcom like casualties (which are realistically possible and logical) for aliens who have been forced to land. Casualties which can be fatal / hurt - starting with less health than full.

Yupz. They are actually all in implementation / under work. :D Thanks for suggesting.

Offline gerald

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Re: alien air crew casualties and numbers
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2009, 10:53:23 am »
aye i found that topic,sorry for doubling that heheu have really tons of suggestions here :) i try to concentrate on testing and no making more mess like that :)


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Re: alien air crew casualties and numbers
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2009, 10:01:42 am »
aye i found that topic,sorry for doubling that heheu have really tons of suggestions here :) i try to concentrate on testing and no making more mess like that :)

Hehe, no worries gerald! :D

Have fun with the game! I should have a new revision upcoming again soon! :D

Hope it works! Trying it myself over the wkend!