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Author Topic: a stairs alike problem, but it ain't stairs, just a corridor outside - R25522  (Read 8592 times)


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it's already some time since i noticed this problem for the first time, but as it hasn't been fixed yet, it's time to report ;)

there is a problem similar to that stairs (in the UFO's or in buildings) problem, but this ain't the stairs.
it's a corridor attached from the outside to the building.
see the attachment.
and the soldier simply can walk inside to that corridor from the ourside. but he can get inside when entering it from the building, but he can't leave the corridor using the other door to the outside space.
as i noticed, the problem should be the field just before the door which lead from the corridor to the outside.

i won't tell you the name of that map, because i've noticed this problem everytime a map with this kind of building (meaning with that corridor) appeared.

Offline Duke

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i won't tell you the name of that map, because i've noticed this problem everytime a map with this kind of building (meaning with that corridor) appeared.

At least give me one or two mapnames where this building occurs...


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At least give me one or two mapnames where this building occurs...

here you have something better, a save game of mine with mission (crashed fighter UFO) where this kind of building can be found.
load the game, start the time, and wait few secs. till a mission appears.
inside, if you won't see this building at a first time, simply press ESC and select RETRY untill the building appears on the map.
I hope you don't mind it this way, because I still dunno how to get the mapname

Offline Duke

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..., because I still dunno how to get the mapname

That's easy:
Find and open you ufoconsole.log.
Scroll to the end.
Search backwards for "CM_LoadMap:"


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That's easy:
Find and open you ufoconsole.log.
Scroll to the end.
Search backwards for "CM_LoadMap:"

well, this is what the console gave me:
------- Loading -------
LoadLibrary (./base/
==== InitGame ====
SV_AssembleMap: Map assembly 'craft_crash_fighter' not found
CM_LoadMap: "-ufocrash/uc_ +craft_drop_firebird +craft_crash_fighter +h03 +h06 +h05 +h01 +h01 +h05 +h02 +h02" "-24 0 0 -16 -16 0 0 8 0 16 8 0 -24 -16 0 -16 16 0 8 -16 0 24 -8 0 24 -16 0 -24 16 0"
Map:ufocrash/uc_craft_drop_firebird  Offset:(-24, 0, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 143, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 128, 0) to (127, 143, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (151, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_craft_drop_firebird in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_craft_crash_fighter  Offset:(-16, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(167, 151, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(112, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 135, 3)
Tile bounds: (112, 112, 0) to (151, 135, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (167, 151, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_craft_crash_fighter in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h03  Offset:(0, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(128, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 151, 4)
Tile bounds: (128, 136, 0) to (143, 151, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h03 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h06  Offset:(16, 8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 143, 4)
Shifted wpMins:(144, 136, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 151, 4)
Tile bounds: (144, 136, 0) to (159, 151, 4)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 143, 4)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h06 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h05  Offset:(-24, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(111, 127, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 112, 0) to (111, 127, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h05 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h01  Offset:(-16, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(112, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(127, 151, 3)
Tile bounds: (112, 144, 0) to (127, 151, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h01 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h01  Offset:(8, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(143, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(136, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(151, 119, 3)
Tile bounds: (136, 112, 0) to (151, 119, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (143, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h01 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h05  Offset:(24, -8, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 143, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(152, 120, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 135, 3)
Tile bounds: (152, 120, 0) to (159, 135, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 143, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h05 in   1.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h02  Offset:(24, -16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(152, 112, 0) wpMaxs:(159, 119, 3)
Tile bounds: (152, 112, 0) to (159, 119, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h02 in   0.0s
Map:ufocrash/uc_h02  Offset:(-24, 16, 0)
wpMins:(128, 128, 0) wpMaxs:(135, 135, 3)
Shifted wpMins:(104, 144, 0) wpMaxs:(111, 151, 3)
Tile bounds: (104, 144, 0) to (111, 151, 3)
Source bounds: (128, 128, 0) to (135, 135, 3)
Done copying data.
Loaded routing for tile ufocrash/uc_h02 in   0.0s
Rerouted for RMA in   0.0s
checksum for the map '+ufocrash': 4119233388
ufo script checksum 921375947
Not enough spawn points for team 0
Created AI player (team 0)
Created AI player (team 7)

Offline Duke

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Great :)
ufocrash is a random map assembly (RMA). Hard to reproproduce bugs here.
But this
CM_LoadMap: "-ufocrash/uc_ +craft_drop_firebird +craft_crash_fighter +h03 +h06 +h05 +h01 +h01 +h05 +h02 +h02" "-24 0 0 -16 -16 0 0 8 0 16 8 0 -24 -16 0 -16 16 0 8 -16 0 24 -8 0 24 -16 0 -24 16 0"
is the RMA construction string. I can use it to see exactly the map that you saw (randomness removed).
Easy to do:
- take the string
- make it look like: map day "-ufocrash/uc_ +craf......
- place it into
- do exec at the ufo console

You can start practicing, I will ask you to do that once I come up with a fix ;)

Offline Duke

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Uhm...interesting :)

1. If I do what I described above, the map loads, but after just scrolling around a bit I get a CTD !
Could you plz try the same and confirm/disconfirm ?

2. I managed to get that house/yard on my screen (by using the retry button) and can say that it's a map issue.
The opening in the fence is neither tall enough nor wide enough to get through. See screenshot.


  • Guest
Uhm...interesting :)

1. If I do what I described above, the map loads, but after just scrolling around a bit I get a CTD !
Could you plz try the same and confirm/disconfirm ?

2. I managed to get that house/yard on my screen (by using the retry button) and can say that it's a map issue.
The opening in the fence is neither tall enough nor wide enough to get through. See screenshot.

1. what is it CTD you are talking about?

2. well, I've tried to see the doorway in the mission as you showed in your screenshot, and about the tallness you're right, but it's really small space missing to pass. and about that wideness, I dunno, maybe.
so when it's a map issue, I think we'd to wait for a fix.
anyway, I dunno if it would be some global fix or what, because as I've said previously, I've seen it many times everywhere this building appears.

now when trying to see it the same way as you showed at your screenshot, the game crashed for several times to the desktop with:
checksum for the map '+ufocrash': 1995688046
ufo script checksum 921375947
Not enough spawn points for team 0
Created AI player (team 0)
Created AI player (team 7)
Connecting to localhost...
load material file: 'materials/ufocrash.mat'
music change to space (from alBasrahM)
Starting the game...
__8472 has joined team 0
(player 0) It's team 1's round
__8472 has taken control over team 1.
music change to turinItalyM (from space)
Team 1 ended round, team 7's round started!
ERROR: Actor on team 7 is still moving (4 steps left)
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====

Error: Received signal 11.

Offline Thyranim

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CTD = Crash To Desktop i think... ?

Offline Duke

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Uhm...interesting :)

1. If I do what I described above, the map loads, but after just scrolling around a bit I get a CTD !
Could you plz try the same and confirm/disconfirm ?

not yet, I dunno where to place that to load it.

Offline Duke

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One good place is in the same dir as the ufoconsole.log.

Offline richlv

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btw, maybe testing information at helps a bit


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Hi again,

after some time I've started a new game because of incompatible save.
When playing, I've noticed that this corridor problem is solved at 50%.
I can enter the corridor from outside, but I can't leave it using the outside doors of the corridor.
Going through the building using it's inner doors is the only way I can leave the building&corridor once inside of that corridor.