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Author Topic: Bugs are starting to get fewer yes?  (Read 4503 times)


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Bugs are starting to get fewer yes?
« on: July 11, 2009, 04:42:06 am »

Great work devs!

I've been following this forum and I've noticed that the revision numbers have stayed low in bug reports. Does this mean the higher revisions are now RELATIVELY bug-free or are the beta testers having trouble catching up with Odie's compilations?

Regardless, great work! More power to the project!

Offline PhilRoi

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Re: Bugs are starting to get fewer yes?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2009, 06:00:24 am »
just many of the same bugs.   We know what they are and where they are so there isn't much point in reporting them.
slowly things are getting cleaned up.

Offline Another Guy

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Re: Bugs are starting to get fewer yes?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2009, 08:47:25 am »
Same impression here. Bugs from last revisions still applies, but they are already adressed and been worked on. A little wait and it should be OK.


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Re: Bugs are starting to get fewer yes?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2009, 11:06:00 pm »
Great work devs!

I've been following this forum and I've noticed that the revision numbers have stayed low in bug reports. Does this mean the higher revisions are now RELATIVELY bug-free or are the beta testers having trouble catching up with Odie's compilations?

Regardless, great work! More power to the project!

Well, the way i look, Phil seemed right. PF is still a major bug..... some map bugs that are known are being worked on (and i just got news from Duke and Mattn that it seemed the harvester issue is fixed, and i will be recompiling a fresh compile_maps.bat on Monday). Other than tat, i do see quite alot of models are being added, esp the prefabs and some other human models Destructavator been working on. :D

Indeed, good work folks! :D

Plus we have good fresh blood like geever on the coding team, Duke on the maps, and Mattn and winter and some others still alive slogging in the background. Hehe. We have new fresh beta testers like Ildamos and Another Guy who and many others! I thnk this community rox! Lol. Dun u thnk so too? 5am... ArGGGGGGGGGGGGGG i ma need get my slp!


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Re: Bugs are starting to get fewer yes?
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2009, 03:56:08 am »
Great to hear!  ;D

I'm not actually a beta tester Odie.  ;D I was supposed to be a concept artist but my work's not letting me do it gaaah. I go home exhausted. I got promoted to manager so work has been hectic these past few months. I was counting on it slowing down. Anyway, I got the Ortnok power armor finalized but it's all in my head. Gonna put it on paper soon as a window presents itself.


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Re: Bugs are starting to get fewer yes?
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2009, 07:17:14 am »
Great to hear!  ;D

I'm not actually a beta tester Odie.  ;D I was supposed to be a concept artist but my work's not letting me do it gaaah. I go home exhausted. I got promoted to manager so work has been hectic these past few months. I was counting on it slowing down. Anyway, I got the Ortnok power armor finalized but it's all in my head. Gonna put it on paper soon as a window presents itself.


Manager.... the sucky post. I know how it is like..... when I am promoted to senior executive, its like a no pay license to dump u a whole lot more work. lol. Bad rite? Times are bad....... doing everything what your supervisor should be doing, and drawing your last pay. lol.

Back to main point, u have the concept arts le?? Oooooo, try drawing / sketching em down on your way b/w work and home? Haha. Its exhausting.... but thats how i catch up on my tons of readings. :P (My christian stuff, medical stuff plus a whole lot of games' updates lol).


Then maybe when home, just scan and port it in.... unless of course, u draw and code all your stuff on computer, then maybe u do what i do at times - lug my silly lappy ard. :D