Great to hear! 
I'm not actually a beta tester Odie.
I was supposed to be a concept artist but my work's not letting me do it gaaah. I go home exhausted. I got promoted to manager so work has been hectic these past few months. I was counting on it slowing down. Anyway, I got the Ortnok power armor finalized but it's all in my head. Gonna put it on paper soon as a window presents itself.
Manager.... the sucky post. I know how it is like..... when I am promoted to senior executive, its like a no pay license to dump u a whole lot more work. lol. Bad rite? Times are bad....... doing everything what your supervisor should be doing, and drawing your last pay. lol.
Back to main point, u have the concept arts le?? Oooooo, try drawing / sketching em down on your way b/w work and home? Haha. Its exhausting.... but thats how i catch up on my tons of readings.

(My christian stuff, medical stuff plus a whole lot of games' updates lol).

Then maybe when home, just scan and port it in.... unless of course, u draw and code all your stuff on computer, then maybe u do what i do at times - lug my silly lappy ard.