Nope. As I said on first post, I terminated all non vista essential process. And checked manager from time to time to see if vista would launch any new one (only windows update and search index related. not anything much memmory consuming).
Still, the problem remains. Somewhere in the last revisions (from july 6th to now), something really capped my map compiling processing power.
Being curious, have u configured your pc to maximise your CPU CORES?? (As in if u r using duo core, u need to change the number of processors to 2, which btw, still does not explain the GREAT disparity in the time diff).
Some pathfinding changes happened recently, I dunno if they slowed it down that much.
geever, i highly doubt tat.

Even if pathfinding makes things 200% slower, tat will probably be maxing out compilation time from 3 hrs to 9..... not 16. Logically logical reasoning?

Are you using svn ?
If so, you can do an 'update to revision' as of July 5th and see if the prob is gone.
Then update to a rev from say July 10th and so on and finally nail down the exact rev number which broke it.
I supposed what DUKE is suggesting is for the SVN revision to be backdated to at least 25017 (Thats the revision i made for 6th July). If u wan to trace what has been changed, u might want to drop by my sticky thread and browse thru the revision change notes. I made it a point to track it there, except for losing revisions 24913 to 24918 (due to being sick and >100 revisions).
25021 to 25023 - Something about maps making using nos of processors is something i suspect for ur case? I dunno. U might consider omitting that for a start (i.e. going before 25021).
After 25023, there are tons of prefabs updates and i doubt they will affect ur processing speed.
Try a few diff revisions (maybe going by day by day using my 'not-so-daily tracker'). Hehe.
Hope ur issues get resolved!
About the app u suggested, it seems very handy. I'll try it out. 
Yupz, its useful, maybe u can tweak up ur system quite a bit on that.