@BTAxis: Yeah, I know, I've browsed the icons in Windows before, I was just being dramatic (and silly, joking).
@MCR: Yes, been there, done that... Although there are now ways - with special utilities - that one can make a custom Windows install disc with all the needed drivers already on it (and slipstream service packs as well), I've seen a number of third-party programs that do such things.
What amazes me is how some people are really stick-in-the-mud and still use such old things today. I remember the old days of "PRESS PLAY ON TAPE" as well as boxy, clunky cartridges, not to mention LOGO, Atari, Infocom, Pole Position, Yar's Revenge, Choose-your-own-adventure books, the ORIGINAL Transformers, those what-do-you-call-it-things that one would color then put in the oven and bake (but not eat), BetaMax VCR tapes, GI-JOE, days when Metallica were really considered kick-ass cool and everyone really respected them, governments were not so evil and intrusive, children had manners and actually gave a s*** about things they typically don't nowadays, etc., etc...
Oh well, at least I've got a little left before I
really get old and musty...