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Author Topic: Coolest things ever! - 3D Printed Models  (Read 6776 times)

Offline Psawhn

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Coolest things ever! - 3D Printed Models
« on: June 13, 2009, 02:30:23 am »
I have, in my hand, the coolest ever UFO:AI related things! :D

The engines in the Stingray actually snap in, and they rotate as far as they're supposed to!

Unfortunately the plasma gun that was supposed to snap into the underside of the hoverbot didn't come. I think, because of the way I uploaded the model, they didn't even realize it was supposed to be attached to my order.

The service I used was called Shapeways. . They're based in the Netherlands. You just upload a model to their website, and they'll print it out and send it to you. They charge based off of volume of material used, so the Stingray cost $13 USD and the hoverbot cost $17 USD.

I'm not quite happy enough with the models at the moment to open them up for other people to buy, but that's one thing I might try to get done over this summer. Once I allow it, I can allow anyone to go to the website and buy their own. In the spirit of GPL I don't think I'd charge any markup for these, even though I'll have the option.

I think this opens up great potential. UFO:AI figurines? Tabletop games?

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Re: Coolest things ever! - 3D Printed Models
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 05:42:51 am »
arent 3D printers great? There was one in the building where my 3D animation classes were, and someone I worked with printed out a model, though it couldnt stand. We also have a 3D scanner, though its ancient and no one knows how it works

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Coolest things ever! - 3D Printed Models
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2009, 11:17:46 am »
Speaking of models, Psawhn, what about that alien wormhole device?

Offline Psawhn

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Re: Coolest things ever! - 3D Printed Models
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2009, 05:39:18 am »
I'm so sorry. I've been busy with plenty of things, plus texturing really isn't my strong suit.

I'll upload what I do have to this post, that way if anyone does want to work on things, they can. I'll still see if I can become more inspired and work on the texturing more, but I shouldn't keep hogging the thing, considering I've been sitting on it for over a year :P.

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