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Author Topic: Keyboard diagram  (Read 17974 times)

Offline SharkD

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Keyboard diagram
« on: May 24, 2009, 11:50:17 pm »
I created a diagram of all the keyboard shortcuts used in the game. You can find it here:


Updated link.


The site has moved once again. This time it's at:
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 12:38:52 pm by SharkD »

Offline vedrit

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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2009, 02:12:49 am »
it says the location does not exist

Offline SharkD

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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2009, 02:44:40 am »
Sorry for the typo. Try again.


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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2009, 07:32:47 am »
I created a diagram of all the keyboard shortcuts used in the game. You can find it here:


WOW! That is dam cool! :) U even have some other game's.....


For those who cant see for UFOAI, i have it for US keyboard here:
Mike's UFOAI Keyboard Shortcuts Layout for US 104 Keyboard

For those printing, he even has a shaded quadrant's:
Mike's UFOAI Keyboard Shortcuts Layout for 104 Keyboard - Print Shades

Mike - I believe that F2 is Load. :)

Offline SharkD

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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2009, 07:45:03 am »
Thanks. I'll update tomorrow when I upload a bunch of other games.


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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2009, 08:11:13 am »
Thanks. I'll update tomorrow when I upload a bunch of other games.

Btw, do not know if u read the wikis here. It helps alot in your understanding of things.

For the existing keys bind-ed to the game:

It is basically in codes (the game's code), but should make alot of sense, since u alr did so many keymappings for other games. lol. Cheers!

Anything just post a link! There will be nice ppl who will answer nicely and help! :D

Offline SharkD

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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2009, 09:54:46 am »
Are those bindings from the development version? They're different from what I copied out of the stable version's bindings menu.


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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2009, 12:05:49 pm »
Are those bindings from the development version? They're different from what I copied out of the stable version's bindings menu.

Its from the wiki so far.

Nvm, here's wat i got from the latest 2.3 dev built:

Code: [Select]
// key layout, don't modify for no reason
// If you want to know the keyname of a specific key - set in_debug cvar to 1 and press the key

bind PAUSE "pause"
bind F1 "game_quicksave"
bind F2 "mn_push quickload"
bind F12 "r_screenshot"
bind F11 "hidehud"
bind F10 "mn_push irc"

bindbattle BACKSPACE "dooraction"

bindbattle HOME "+hudradar"
bindbattle KP_HOME "+hudradar"

bind k "messagesay"
bind l "messagesayteam"
bind j "showchat"
bindbattle e "nextround"
bindbattle t "drawspottedlines;nextalienactor"

bindbattle MOUSE1 "+select"
bindbattle MOUSE2 "+turn"
bindbattle MOUSE3 "+action"
bind CTRL "+turn"

bindbattle c "standcrouch"
bindbattle x "togglereaction"
bindbattle SPACE "nextalien"
bindbattle ENTER "confirmaction"

bindbattle UPARROW "levelup"
bindbattle DOWNARROW "leveldown"
bindbattle LEFTARROW "+turnleft"
bindbattle RIGHTARROW "+turnright"
bindbattle KP_LEFTARROW "+shiftleft"
bindbattle KP_RIGHTARROW "+shiftright"
bindbattle KP_UPARROW "+shiftup"
bindbattle KP_DOWNARROW "+shiftdown"
bindbattle INS "+turnup"
bindbattle DEL "+turndown"

bind PGUP "+zoomin"
bind PGDN "+zoomout"
bind MWHEELUP "zoominquant;"
bind MWHEELDOWN "zoomoutquant;"

bind i "invopen"

bind w "+shiftup"
bind s "+shiftdown"
bind a "+shiftleft"
bind d "+shiftright"
bindbattle r "+turnup"
bindbattle f "+turndown"
bindbattle q "+turn"
bindbattle SHIFT "targetalign"
bindbattle h "+hudradar"

bind 1 "soldier_select 0"
bind 2 "soldier_select 1"
bind 3 "soldier_select 2"
bind 4 "soldier_select 3"
bind 5 "soldier_select 4"
bind 6 "soldier_select 5"
bind 7 "soldier_select 6"
bind 8 "soldier_select 7"
bind TAB "nextsoldier"

// joystick
bind JOY1 "+select"
bind JOY2 "+turn"
bind JOY3 "+action"
bind JOY4 "standcrouch"
bind JOY5 "togglereaction"
bind JOY6 "nextalien"
bind JOY7 "confirmaction"
bind JOY8 "nextround"
bind JOY9 "nextsoldier"
bind JOY16 "levelup"
bind JOY17 "leveldown"
bind JOY18 "+turnleft"
bind JOY19 "+turnright"

bindmenu JOY1 "+leftmouse"
bindmenu JOY2 "+rightmouse"
bindmenu JOY3 "+middlemouse"

bindmenu UPARROW "mn_textscroll ufopedia -1;mn_textscroll campaign_desc -1;mn_textscroll trans_list -1;mn_textscroll keylist -1;mn_textscroll irc_data -1;mn_textscroll prodlist -1;mn_textscroll prodlist_amount -1;"
bindmenu DOWNARROW "mn_textscroll ufopedia 1;mn_textscroll campaign_desc 1;mn_textscroll trans_list 1;mn_textscroll keylist 1;mn_textscroll irc_data 1;mn_textscroll prodlist 1;mn_textscroll prodlist_amount 1;"

bindmenu PGUP "mn_textscroll ufopedia -10;mn_textscroll campaign_desc -10;mn_textscroll trans_list -10;mn_textscroll keylist -10;mn_textscroll irc_data -10;mn_textscroll prodlist -10;mn_textscroll prodlist_amount -10;"
bindmenu PGDN "mn_textscroll ufopedia 10;mn_textscroll campaign_desc 10;mn_textscroll trans_list 10;mn_textscroll keylist 10;mn_textscroll irc_data 10;mn_textscroll prodlist 10;mn_textscroll prodlist_amount 10;"

bindmenu BACKSPACE "game_timestop"
bindmenu - "game_timeslow"
bindmenu n "game_timeslow"
bindmenu = "game_timefast"
bindmenu + "game_timefast"
bindmenu m "game_timefast"
bindmenu SPACE "map_center"

bindmenu MOUSE1 "+leftmouse"
bindmenu MOUSE2 "+rightmouse"
bindmenu MOUSE3 "+middlemouse"

bind ^ "toggleconsole"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"

Making sense to u? If not, just post a note. :)

Offline SharkD

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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2009, 09:58:06 am »
All of the strings are not self-explanatory (most of them are). Could you translate them into real English? Thanks.


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Re: Keyboard diagram (Codes in English)
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2009, 11:00:57 am »
Code: [Select]
[quote author=SharkD link=topic=3610.msg26471#msg26471 date=1243324686]
All of the strings are not self-explanatory (most of them are). Could you translate them into real English? Thanks.

Ah! Ok ok.... so sorry. U dun do programming i guess?

// key layout, don't modify for no reason
// If you want to know the keyname of a specific key - set in_debug cvar to 1 and press the key

These are comments, just ignore them. Think of them as text notes for programmers which does nothing in the actual compilation of bindings. These are universal bindings sorta, with menu binding, general binding and battle bindings.

Code: [Select]

Not of concern to you at this point.

Code: [Select]
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind F1 "game_quicksave"
bind F2 "mn_push quickload"
bind F12 "r_screenshot"
bind F11 "hidehud"
bind F10 "mn_push irc"

bind is the command for telling the program what keys to assign to wat functions.

the next one is the button - i.e. F1 = F1 on keyboard. PAUSE for pause key (or the break key).

after that, is the function.

Hence, an example is "Press F11 to hide HUD [heads up display]".
Another example is "Press F12 for a screenshot".

Code: [Select]
bindbattle BACKSPACE "dooraction"
bindbattle HOME "+hudradar"
bindbattle KP_HOME "+hudradar"

These 3 buttons = i dunno. Maybe someone can enlighten us here? (Cos i dun use em....)

Code: [Select]
bind k "messagesay"
bind l "messagesayteam"
bind j "showchat"

These are chat related functions. K general chat. L for team chat. J i think is chat bar.

Code: [Select]
bindbattle e "nextround"

End turn.

Code: [Select]
bindbattle t "drawspottedlines;nextalienactor"

Draw line of sight from aliens to soldiers. (Or vice versa more likely, as in from our soldiers to sighted reds [aka enemies]).

Code: [Select]
bindbattle MOUSE1 "+select"
bindbattle MOUSE2 "+turn"
bindbattle MOUSE3 "+action"

These are mouse related buttons. Dun think we need em here for your layout purposes. But Mouse 1 is left mouse button (lmb), Mouse 2 (rmb) Right mouse button, Mouse 3 for centre click.

Code: [Select]
bind CTRL "+turn"

For turning soldier to direct of cursor, press CTRL key (Does not matter L or R, its the same to the computer at this point).

The following are used in battle only, hence, bindbattle.
Code: [Select]
bindbattle c "standcrouch"

C to stand / crouch soldier

Code: [Select]
bindbattle x "togglereaction"

x to toggle reaction fire.

Code: [Select]
bindbattle SPACE "nextalien"

Spacebar to toggle next alien sighted (toggle thru the aliens list available - aka seen).

Code: [Select]
bindbattle ENTER "confirmaction"

Enter to confirm action

Code: [Select]
bindbattle UPARROW "levelup"
Up arrow key for going up 1 level (or storey, from 1 to 8)

Code: [Select]
bindbattle DOWNARROW "leveldown"
Down arrow key for going down 1 level (or storey, from 8 to 1)

These nx set of commands or shortcuts plays ard with rotating the field in battle. Try it to understand it better. LEFTARROW means the 4 arrow buttons below your scroll lock (on a standard keyboard). KP_LEFTARROW however (note the KP) is a different LEFT ARROW. Its the one nos 4 key on the keypad area, (aka w.o numlock).

Code: [Select]
bindbattle LEFTARROW "+turnleft"
bindbattle RIGHTARROW "+turnright"
bindbattle KP_LEFTARROW "+shiftleft"
bindbattle KP_RIGHTARROW "+shiftright"

These change the view of the battlefield, aka rotate....
Note that KP means keypad only (aka w/o the num light). I.e. KP_LEFTARROW, is the nos 4 on the keyboard - keypad area, w/o the numlock.

(See below also some other KP related buttons)

Code: [Select]
bindbattle KP_UPARROW "+shiftup"
bindbattle KP_DOWNARROW "+shiftdown"
bindbattle INS "+turnup"
bindbattle DEL "+turndown"

More rotational functions.

Code: [Select]
bind PGUP "+zoomin"

PAGE UP for Zoom in to point.

Code: [Select]
bind PGDN "+zoomout"

Likewise, PAGE DOWN for Zoom out from point.

Code: [Select]
bind MWHEELUP "zoominquant;"
bind MWHEELDOWN "zoomoutquant;"

These are mouse related functions. For understanding's sake, scroll up for zoom in and scroll down for zoom out - quant means something that i dunnoe, and probably wun bother. lol. Its probably a slight zoom? lol.

Code: [Select]
bind i "invopen"

I for Inventory of soldier screen.

Code: [Select]
bind w "+shiftup"
bind s "+shiftdown"
bind a "+shiftleft"
bind d "+shiftright"

Ah, WSAD ("Whoa, Sad" is wat i called these familiar keys, for those who are in FPS like CS and such games). These are same as the rotational buttons. Try em!

Code: [Select]
bindbattle r "+turnup"
bindbattle f "+turndown"
one should be turn left, the other turn right (with respect to [wrt] the soldier's view).

Code: [Select]
bindbattle q "+turn"

This should be the same function as CTRL, like turn to point of cursor?

Code: [Select]
bindbattle SHIFT "targetalign"

Align firing angle, To Air, To ground, to norm level, good for grenades and rockets? :)

Code: [Select]
bindbattle h "+hudradar"

Hide / show HUD. (Heads Up Display - aka that frame around the battle field, containing stats of soldiers, and stuff).

Code: [Select]
bind 1 "soldier_select 0"
bind 2 "soldier_select 1"
bind 3 "soldier_select 2"
bind 4 "soldier_select 3"
bind 5 "soldier_select 4"
bind 6 "soldier_select 5"
bind 7 "soldier_select 6"
bind 8 "soldier_select 7"

These select the soldier on the battle field. Aka, 1 for soldier nos 0, 2 for solider 1, 3 for soldier 2....etc.
Why start with 0? Programming constraints..... they start with 0 then move to 1 to 2 3.....

For our understanding, just know that 1 selects 1st soldier. 2 selects 2nd soldier. Yupz, something like dat. :D

Code: [Select]
bind TAB "nextsoldier"

TAB key for next soldier selection.

Code: [Select]
// joystick
bind JOY1 "+select"
bind JOY2 "+turn"
bind JOY3 "+action"
bind JOY4 "standcrouch"
bind JOY5 "togglereaction"
bind JOY6 "nextalien"
bind JOY7 "confirmaction"
bind JOY8 "nextround"
bind JOY9 "nextsoldier"
bind JOY16 "levelup"
bind JOY17 "leveldown"
bind JOY18 "+turnleft"
bind JOY19 "+turnright"

bindmenu JOY1 "+leftmouse"
bindmenu JOY2 "+rightmouse"
bindmenu JOY3 "+middlemouse"

Keypad (joystick, gamepad) related menus.....

This whole chunk next is rubbish useless stuff to you for the purpose of mapping the keyboard shortcuts.... Its translations for the program to pick up and assign menu and key bindings. :P

Code: [Select]
bindmenu UPARROW "mn_textscroll ufopedia -1;mn_textscroll campaign_desc -1;mn_textscroll trans_list -1;mn_textscroll keylist -1;mn_textscroll irc_data -1;mn_textscroll prodlist -1;mn_textscroll prodlist_amount -1;"
bindmenu DOWNARROW "mn_textscroll ufopedia 1;mn_textscroll campaign_desc 1;mn_textscroll trans_list 1;mn_textscroll keylist 1;mn_textscroll irc_data 1;mn_textscroll prodlist 1;mn_textscroll prodlist_amount 1;"

bindmenu PGUP "mn_textscroll ufopedia -10;mn_textscroll campaign_desc -10;mn_textscroll trans_list -10;mn_textscroll keylist -10;mn_textscroll irc_data -10;mn_textscroll prodlist -10;mn_textscroll prodlist_amount -10;"
bindmenu PGDN "mn_textscroll ufopedia 10;mn_textscroll campaign_desc 10;mn_textscroll trans_list 10;mn_textscroll keylist 10;mn_textscroll irc_data 10;mn_textscroll prodlist 10;mn_textscroll prodlist_amount 10;"

Next are the Geoscape functions. (aka global functions)

Time Control
Code: [Select]
bindmenu BACKSPACE "game_timestop"
bindmenu - "game_timeslow"
bindmenu n "game_timeslow"
bindmenu = "game_timefast"
bindmenu + "game_timefast"
bindmenu m "game_timefast"

Backspace key to stop time.
- or n to slow time 1 step.
+ = or m to hasten time 1 step.

Code: [Select]
bindmenu SPACE "map_center"

Space to centre map at object.

Code: [Select]
bindmenu MOUSE1 "+leftmouse"
bindmenu MOUSE2 "+rightmouse"
bindmenu MOUSE3 "+middlemouse"

Mouse related stuff.... ignore for now. (I am tired. lol)

Code: [Select]
bind ^ "toggleconsole"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"

^ (tabulator) key to toggle console. Same as for the ` (quote) key and the tilda (~) key. :)

Hope this is english enuf. :P

Anything else u will have to ask Mattn or someone OR something up there. LOL.

Someone should update the wiki UFOAI of these keys with these more useful info (plus alot more stuff i guess)......


Offline SharkD

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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2009, 05:34:41 am »
 ;D Thanks for the lengthy reply. I only meant I couldn't understand the stuff inside the quotation marks, not all the other stuff. I'll take a look at what you wrote and see what I can update from it.

Code: [Select]
bindbattle BACKSPACE "dooraction"
bindbattle HOME "+hudradar"
bindbattle KP_HOME "+hudradar"

These 3 buttons = i dunno. Maybe someone can enlighten us here? (Cos i dun use em....)

I'd like to know what these are, too.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 05:39:45 am by SharkD »


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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2009, 08:36:32 am »
;D Thanks for the lengthy reply. I only meant I couldn't understand the stuff inside the quotation marks, not all the other stuff. I'll take a look at what you wrote and see what I can update from it.

I'd like to know what these are, too.

Oh on those 3:
bindbattle BACKSPACE "dooraction"
bindbattle HOME "+hudradar"
bindbattle KP_HOME "+hudradar"

These 3 buttons = i dunno. Maybe someone can enlighten us here? (Cos i dun use em....)

Np :D

Haha.... i really dunno.... see my previous point? :P

Offline shevegen

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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2009, 06:52:41 pm »
Can this be accessed in game too or something?

Would be cool to have that, or perhaps as a link from in-game to the wiki


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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2009, 03:35:44 pm »
You might want to transfer that to another site Shark; GeoCities is closing down.

Offline SharkD

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Re: Keyboard diagram
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2009, 09:41:39 am »
I've changed web hosts. The new address is: